
hello every one ,,, first my english not so good <<

but why this game still full with hak ! i play before lot of games ,, but never not seen like this game with haks

oky some ppl say save and report ,, but i need to ask also where is the GM in game ? and what about this program for hak inject doing !

what about remove kick from mutant mode again ! and all room full with 3 or 4 hak in every room , and no one say cause they kick pro players they remove it iam always 1st in mutant and i get kick lot of time but its better then room full with hak !!!

i use money in game for funn ,,, but it look like no way from playing with hak ?


  • When kvs was back, and as a regular ace, you constantly saw yourself being under vote-kick right?
    You might have been kicked a couple of times aswell right?
    What about hackers? Ive very rarely seen one getting kicked, and now that we got not 1 but 2-4 per room it's become even more unlikely to see them getting kicked since they tend to team + the childish community/F12forFun present in every HM/HMX room.. nah bringing kick back isn't the best solution

    What would be a "good" start: to increase/add? rank restriction for UK4
    The rest is about a working anti-cheat so yeah..bear with it lol

    Edit: I said hackers tend to team up but I from time to time happen to see hacker1 going underground to mutate hacker2. This is complete nonsense
  • although they return the kick, there are some noobs that do not give f11 and think that the hacker is a pro player
  • [FONT=comic\ sans\ ms]The problem with the kick vote is that community abuse it.
    They prefer to kick a good player than kick a cheater.
    They will press all F11 ASAP to kick the ace but they will press F12 and laugh if a cheater is kicked.
    That's why people don't like it but ofc they pay the price :p[/FONT]
  • If you see hackers please save the replay and report it via the hack report system.