Crossfire Goals Future and Current Changes ? +1

Future Crossfire Goals for Community EP side should have a set goal but reward EP based on Percentage completed of that Goal.


Example 20 Million is Goal so if the community completes 75% of that goal it would be [15,000,000]Then the community would get 15,000 EP for completing 75% of that goal.

So If the community completes 25% of the Goal = 5,000 EP, 50% of the Goal completed = 10,000 EP, 75% of the Goal = 15,000 Ep and finaly if the goal completed 100% = 25,000 EP.

In this new method the Community still gets something as long as they get 25% of the Goal completed they would be guaranted 5000 for that Goal. Rather than at the moment if the goal isn't completed we get 0 EP and time is wasted due to unrealistic goals.

This Example is based on our Current System Example 20,000,000 TDM Goal. Example is below in a table how the New system for Community Part should work. Individual Part should stay as normal.

[th]25% [5,000,000] Kills[/th]
[th]50% [10,000,000] Kills[/th]
[th]75% [15,000,000] Kills[/th]
[th]100% [20,000,000] Kills[/th]

5,000 EP

10,000 EP

15,000 EP

25,000 EP

This method allows the GMs to keep such Goals as we have 20 million etc but give EP for the Percentage completed 25% [5000 EP] 50% [10000 EP] 75% [15000 EP] and 100% completed [25000 EP] Tiers do not stack. Meaning the highest you can get for that Goal is 25,000 EP if 100% of that goal is completed and minimum you can get is 5000 EP if 25% of that goal is completed and less than 25% = 0 EP fair.

If you understand it and think its good as it guarantees us something if we get to the 25% mark of that Community goal then we can get at least 5000 Per community goal if 25% of each goal is completed. +1 the higher we get in percentage the more EP and maximum is 25,000 EP 100% goal complete +1 ?
