a new way to play

Okay- so for those of you who have played halo 3 online, you may know here i'm going. Yeah, matchmaking.

Matchmaking is a game mode where you are matched with opponents based on skill (determined by kill death ratio starting from 0/0) People with similar kdr's are matched into one room (usually 8v8 but can vary) and they play a random game mode and map.

I'm suggesting exactly this in crossfire. However, there may be some tweaks. There may be a room master who determines the mode, map, and how many players may enter the room (ranging from 1v1 to 8v8).

I'm suggesting there should be a matchmaking server (like there are Alpha and Bravo servers alrdy out). How about making a matchmaking server?

It will allow people to encounter less hac.kers, play with people on their skill level, and get their kdr where it is supposed to be, so that as matchmaking progresses, people's true skill levels are shown, and false kdr's are brought to the true point they should be at.

What i mean is farmers who are bad get a kdr that is bad. For example, take [farmer's name]. Put that person in matchmaking with people of his kdr (it will be farmers mostly, but there will be some truly skilled players as there only are so many farmers out there that play at the same time. The farmer's kdr will go down so that it displays the true skill, and not the farmed one.

My point is, people can have more fun in matchmaking as the matches are made by kill death ratio and rank. So, people with similar ranks and kdr's will be matched together in the same game.

The benefits:

1. Players obtain their true kill death ratios.
2. Players encounter less hac.kers (since hac.kers usually have higher kdr's and most likely will be matched together making a massive hac.k fest in certain rooms)
3. People are more focused and cooperate with their team (if they have one)
4. Players can have more fun when they are matched with people of their own skill level.
