Capture the Flag [Game Mode Suggestion]

So in random talks in Discord....Capture the Flag came up...and honestly it kind of surprises me that CF doesn't have a Capture the Flag mode. It used to be a staple in many earlier FPS games' multiplayer. So...why not add one?

Here's my take on it...

Capture the Flag

Pretty simple to start with.... It'd be set up similar to TDM. There'd be 2 sides each with their own base area. Inside the base they'd have a flag corresponding with their team. Say a red flag for one side and a blue one for the other. The objective would of course be to run in, grab the other teams flag, and get back to your base and touch your flag.

Now in CF with things like JHP ammo and 1 shot snipers and all that. This could be a very hard thing to this should be expanded beyond just the regular play and include 'power ups'. Similar options to what the sheeps provide in sheep mode even perhaps. Possible power ups/buffs would be found across the map, or perhaps even awarded for killing enemies at random (similar to how you get buffs for killing the one zombies in ZM2 Shattered Hard?). Here's some of the possibilities:

-Speed Buff: Increases movement speed. Perfect for rushing into the enemy base, grabbing the flag, and getting back.
-Shield Buff: Allows you to take a few hits without taking damage.
-Damage Buff: Increases the damage output of your weapon allowing you to kill more effectively
-Jump Buff: Increases the height at which you can jump allowing for more daring escapes and tactics
-Ghost Buff: Makes your partially invisible. Being harder to see makes you harder to hit!
-Healing Buff: Recovers some HP so that you can keep fighting longer.
-Ammo Buff: Instantly Replinishes ammo while out in the field
-Other potential Buffs?

I'd suggest that, for the most part, maps for this mode have multiple access points into the bases and routes that give varying cover and strategy but DO expose people so that they can't just grab a flag and stay hidden. Flag carriers should appear on the minimap the entire time they have a flag.

Upon killing an enemy flag carrier the flag will be returned after 5 seconds or instantly if your team picks up your own flag. If another enemy reclaims the flag then you must kill them so that it can be reclaimed.

Spawn times shouldn't be instant here. It'd prioritize killing enemies so that they can't spawn back and instantly rejoin the fight thus giving you a chance to grab their flag. However, spawn times also shouldn't take ages. I think a default 3 sec spawn time would likely be ideal. while it's not much it does give players who can kill a slight edge. Also spawns should not happen directly next to the flag in the base, instead if you split the map into 2 with each half of the map being a teams side...then spawn points should exist all around for a team on their side. (perhaps i'll grab a TDM map and show an example of this eventually)

Matches would be based on amount of flags captured not on total kills. So either a time limit could be set and the team with the most captures wins or a capture limit could be set.
