Ranked games

What can be done to get people interested into ranked games? Because me personally i havent played a single ranked game.
People that do play ranked also tell me that the ranked games are full of cheaters.
So what do you guys think that should be done in order to get people more interested in ranked games?
Better rewards?
A little bit more hype when the season starts/ends? I mean when a new season starts they just make a small statement that a new season has started and thats it.
Better match making?

Now that another ranked season has come to and end i was also wondering why are the "top" "competitive" players not banned? I mean, its enough to go to their profiles and look at their ranked kd to know that something is just not right and also that most of them STILL have the HSR ribbon.


  • How about.. less hackers?
    The top players are mostly either hacking or simply farming.

    Try to play a ranked SnD or FFA - you will be hacked till you uninstall the game...
    Ranked - sadly - is basically unplayble in my opinion
  • LoLeA wrote: »
    How about.. less hackers?
    The top players are mostly either hacking or simply farming.

    Try to play a ranked SnD or FFA - you will be hacked till you uninstall the game...
    Ranked - sadly - is basically unplayble in my opinion

    I agree with this statement. If you look at the competitive ranking the people who have diamond and get the permanent gun they have 99% winrate. They just farmed themselves too it.
    I'm gold 5 what I would like too see is less hackers, more stable servers (having games being 4 v 5 or even 3 v 5 sometimes) is not interesting too play with or against. and I would like
    too have the ranking system be a bit more friendlier. I've lost 1/8 of a segment towards gold 6 being on the losing team with like 3+ KD. And the other way around. Sometimes you gain only a slimmer
    even though you did alot for your team. Also I would like too see no punishment if you leave a game because of disconnection, only when you actually click the leave game button. I disconnected a couple of times
    this season and that really sets me back.
  • i love Ranked but the HAKKERS destroyed all in this game in ranked are full of them

    15 games played and 14/15 are hakker real hakker