Improvement for clans and friends list.

I know that Clan Leader’s and LT’s are sometimes have difficulties with inactive clan members. Sometimes we Clan Leader’s and Lt’s don’t always know why some of our clan members are inactive. Maybe the member has been permanently banned or maybe the clan member is just not playing at the moment. Now when a Player has been banned permanently, Leader’s and Lt’s usually don’t get to know this unless they stay in contact with the player and he/she has told them personally about it. Since we don’t get the know most of us Leader’s and Lt’s simply assume the player is inactive and might return to the game. If the Leader’s and Lt’s don’t get to know, full clans run quickly out of space. To avoid it I would like to suggest that permanently banned players that are currently in a clan get instantly removed from the clan by z8games/GM’s.
A. Notification
i. Leader’s and LT’s don’t need to know player X and player Y have been banned permanently. However a notification would be good that tells us that we have a new open spot available in the clan.
ii. Why not tell us players have been permanently banned?
Simply because clans can hold up to 100 players in the clan. Its highly unusual that a Leader or a LT would know every member in the clan.

Pretty much same as above. When a player has been banned permanently we usually don’t get to know what happened to the player. We don’t always have private contact to the players we add on crossfire. If they are banned and we don’t know ofc we can wait for a few weeks and see if the player logs in again. This is a waste of time, as we still can’t be sure if the player is just not playing and might come back or if he is actually banned. Therefore it would be good if this players could get removed automatically.

P.s. Notification are not necessarily needed it's just a small idea that came up when I wrote the rest down :)

Thank you for reading this. Please let me know what you think. Maybe someone has something to add to this suggestion.
Oh and happy New Years still
