Discord Friday Fun! [Suggestions]

So as we all know the GMs used to do a Friday Live Stream on Twitch. During that time they would play usually no less than 3 games, raffle off some codes for GM crates (sometime other things), and also spin some of the latest crates and IF they won while spinning those crates they'd raffle off the weapon they won but if they didn't win...they'd raffle off some of the crates they spun.

However....that's what they USED to do....a while back they stopped the Friday Live Streams likely due to low turn outs which made it not worth setting the stream up anymore among other things. However....now we have the official CF NA/UK Discord and that opens up some potential options...while streaming may not be one of them...they can still do other things.

Discord Raffles

Fairly simple really. I'm sure there's some kind of Discord Bot that can be set up to handle this easier. But regardless they could find a way to enter people into a random number generator and the winner(s) get something. That something would of course depend on what's going on....while i'm sure many people would LOVE to see the return of GMs spinning crates and if they win a weapon it gets raffled off and if not crates. But I think other options could be on the table as well. Such as just raffling off Free Crate Tickets or even EPs.

It's also possible that they hold other games throughout the week and various winners/participants get entered into the raffle for at the end of the week.

Discord Trivia

Trivia would be everything CF related. One GM could be the "Trivia Master" (could be indicated by a special rank with a color that stands out from the rest) and they would ask a question and first person to answer correctly wins. Now obviously this could get chaotic....so some ideas could be set in place for this if needed
A)I believe i've read it's possible to implement a slow mode for discord chats as well? if so that could be usable to slow down someone spamming answers
B)Make it a rule that every player only gets 1 guess. If no one guesses it within a time limit either the question is thrown away or the Trivia Master can tell everyone they can guess again.
C)a Time limit per each question. This puts pressure on people and would make it so that people don't have time to try to google the answers.

Now obviously, other GMs present who are NOT the Trivia Master would monitor for the correct answer and for rule breakers and take appropriate action.

Trivia brings about a nice option too...as each question can have a different reward AND you could reward the person who answers the most correctly with something special as well.

Find what's Changed(probably find a better name for this)

Where a GM changes something(s) on the Discord ever so slightly and players have to find out what it was. First one to guess correctly wins.
an example would be like changed Fan-Made-Art to Fun-Made-Art

Now obviously that too can get spammy and if the thing(s) they changed is/are well hidden then it could also take time....similar limitations could be placed on the chat for this event as i suggested might make sense for Trivia

Play with a GM

This one is simple....it's kinda what they did in the GM Live Streams, but this time no stream. Simply each GM would go off and make a room somewhere and players have to get in the room and play with them. People who played would get rewarded something like a GM crate while Ace could a Free Crate Ticket perhaps. A voice channel could possibly be set up in which only the GMs have the option to talk from there they could dish out room locations and room passwords.

Any other possible games that could be ran from the discord that someone has an idea of how could be done? Feel free to post it! If it's good and explained well enough i'll add it to this post with credit given of course.

EDIT: woops thought i was still in Suggestions when i made this post. my bad. can a MOD or GM move this to suggestions?
