New idea :)

what about making a peace day? unbanning old accounts which worth to be unbanned. I think this will make old players come back to have many advantages: 1- increasing players rate
2- increasing deposits which can be used to improve services here :)
3- decrease ratio of hackers
Notice: I am talking about recent accounts , I mean old 1 which beeing here for 3 or 4 years or more! :)
Thanks! ^_^


  • SlowVB wrote: »
    what about making a peace day? unbanning old accounts which worth to be unbanned. I think this will make old players come back to have many advantages

    But they were hackers , what is the point of their return?
    This will make the current situation worse. everyone will think there is no punishment for the cheaters ,so -1.
  • If an account was banned for hacking and there was undeniable proof. then i'd rather that account not be given a 2nd chance. (little different if that account was only speculative that it was hacking but got banned because support doesn't play enough to really know or takes enough time to review all the evidence. and dont tell me they play a lot cause even the GMs we play with and see get confused why they can't use all their smoke grenade in Escape mode when others are and haven't figured out that Escape only lets you bring in your first grenade so if that's a regular grenade that's what you get or if it's a smoke grenade that's what you have to use.)

    pretty much all this will lead to is a TON of hackers getting their old accounts back and increasing the hack wave while maybe a handful of legit players get to come back. BUT it probably won't increase spending for the game either way because A)hackers will just get banned again and most of them don't spend anyways and B) the few accounts that werent hacks and got banned despite being legitimate players probably won't spend again because they soured their trust with those people.

    So unless the OP can come up with process to review accounts that get allowed to be unbanned during this 'peace' day to make sure we're not just unbanning tons and tons of hackers who will only ruin the game further, then the entire idea is a -1 from me.
  • SlowVB wrote: »
    what about making a peace day? unbanning old accounts which worth to be unbanned. I think this will make old players come back to have many advantages:
    1- increasing players rate - only true at first
    2- increasing deposits which can be used to improve services here :)- simply not related to bans at all
    3- decrease ratio of hackers - So you think unbanning hackers will mean LESS hackers? I think you need to rethink your strategy, man.
    Notice: I am talking about recent accounts , I mean old 1 which beeing here for 3 or 4 years or more! :)
    Thanks! ^_^
    ​Totally not on board with this, sorry.
  • I'm with Kanadian, don't just start unbaning people. But I do think it should be considered to unban people that have a huge community backing. If like the whole community is saying they don't hack, maybe take a hint? XD coughcoughzawgcoughcough.
  • Even thought they are banned and end up creating another account one and another. So there's no limit whatsoever lol. Once you are banned for a solid reason permanently why would you get another chance? To proof you can hack again? -1