How Do You Get People To Join Your Clan

Can someone help me I don't know why people won't join my clan is it because i need a cool logo someone plz help.


  • You need to give people a reason to join your clan:

    1) Names & Logos

    Having a memorable clan name always helps. No-one's going to join someone called "Sam's Crew" or "England", unless they know you, happen to be called Sam or come from England. Even then, if you're just starting out, it's still going to be very difficult. There are 20000+ clans in this game remember.

    As for the logo, just make something eye catching. Don't over-complicate things, as it will look like a random scribble, something with a nice focal point (such as a skull or angel) and a background that contrasts well with the overlay

    2) Don't Make Silly Requirements

    Most people face this problem when starting a clan. Unless you've made a huge name for yourself, and have the pulling power to bring in big names, people won't want to join a clan with things like:

    30+ clan points per week
    or must have a 2kdr

    So if you're insistent on having anything like that, maybe go with something that's more within the grasps of the average player, such as:

    10+ clan points per week
    must have a 1.2kdr
    speak xyz language when using clan chat

    3) Be Skilled: In-Game & Organisationally

    If people come to your clan page, and see you have a negative kd, then chances are they will look elsewhere. Similarly if your requirements are somthing that you do not meet, you will face the same issue.

    If you're setting up things like forums or websites, make sure you keep them well updated and include as much info & stuff to do as possible, for example:

    inter-clan competitions
    scrim result screenshots
    and ventrilo information
  • Best way to recruit is to PWN in game.. then recruit the other team who your owning, or people on your team...
  • ya just go in game and start a room called whatever your clan name is recruiting and andyone good that joins just ask them to apply for your clan...easier to start with really good low levels who want a clan, but also have some skill already