Increase ammount of hacking reports for players.
I'm playing ranked alot and it is a complete mess of hackers. People running through walls or using aimbots. Im trying too send a hacking report for each player I encounter in the hope that it would 1 day help the community out. But you can only send 5 every 24 hours. I think it should be upped because at this rate you dont give me the emphasis too continue recording these games since I cant make the rapport.
I can understand why they have limits so they don't have floods of reports but being real now, you should be able to keep on reporting with no limit. If it's due to the low amount of staff working on the reports then they need a division just focusing on reports and a constant rate.
+1 -
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »I can understand why they have limits so they don't have floods of reports but being real now, you should be able to keep on reporting with no limit. If it's due to the low amount of staff working on the reports then they need a division just focusing on reports and a constant rate.
That is why having alt accounts is a nice thing to have -
'A wrote:Monteiro;4527378']For what? They dont care about that since they dont ban hackers. I still see people i reported in 2012 for hacking and still play with their honorable ribbon.
If they don't care then they shouldn't care about being spammed with hacker reports. But too be serious. You have a ranked mode with a bunch of hackers. Hackers back in 2010 but come on its been 7 years (almost 8) and hackers are still free too go. How can you call yourself a respectable game company if they wouldn't care. I think they care but they don't have a way too effectively monitor the situation. -
Android8822 wrote: »If they don't care then they shouldn't care about being spammed with hacker reports. But too be serious. You have a ranked mode with a bunch of hackers. Hackers back in 2010 but come on its been 7 years (almost 8) and hackers are still free too go. How can you call yourself a respectable game company if they wouldn't care. I think they care but they don't have a way too effectively monitor the situation.
They have, but the lazyness is bigger than that. -
Will there be compensation for the people who suffered from this? My ranked score and KD suffered alot over the past few days of grinding. I'm sure I am not the only one who has this problem. I understand if that is not possible but it would be nice. Im desperately trying too get too platinum but most matches nowadays are just hackers which I cannot even report.
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