What was worst?
The time when Z8 somehow gave everyone the GM Commands and we could pretty much spawn in any weapon of your choice and yes... even the ZM Special Weapons in a normal S&D match ( not gonna lie, it was quite funny )
Or right now, with the trackers not working and no one has a clue if they are getting close to finishing the events which are close to ending and for me right now not even being able to get EP for the time spent playing ( maybe I am but I can't see it )
I want to go with the GM Commands but that was enjoyable and fixed in like a few days or so but this... I understand you lot shouldn't be working and should be with your families but it's hard enough for people to play at these times since it's all family stuff right now so people can't be playing guess who with the tracker.
Hopefully we get SOMETHING for this cause I haven't been able to do my Weekend Event and finish my 12 days which I just had to do the 12 days and the hours which I KNOW I've done and hopefully the tracker can see that but won't tell me.
p.s Do that GM Commmand mistake again, I could get myself God Mode while in Ranked Mode.
Or right now, with the trackers not working and no one has a clue if they are getting close to finishing the events which are close to ending and for me right now not even being able to get EP for the time spent playing ( maybe I am but I can't see it )
I want to go with the GM Commands but that was enjoyable and fixed in like a few days or so but this... I understand you lot shouldn't be working and should be with your families but it's hard enough for people to play at these times since it's all family stuff right now so people can't be playing guess who with the tracker.
Hopefully we get SOMETHING for this cause I haven't been able to do my Weekend Event and finish my 12 days which I just had to do the 12 days and the hours which I KNOW I've done and hopefully the tracker can see that but won't tell me.
p.s Do that GM Commmand mistake again, I could get myself God Mode while in Ranked Mode.
That happened? the GM Command thing fr?
Oh yes, I think it was in the update that released the M4 OB cause I recall people spawning that in to test it out before buying it.
They try to forget it ever happened... like it was probably one of the best moments for CF NA. -
i do remember people spawning weapons all the time.
the time ghosts could pick up guns was interesting too....
as for this being worse? nah it's this is, sadly, a common multiple times a year thing really. Just sucks that it's happening on a holiday weekend and involves multiple events instead of just one. Players will just use it as an excuse for why they didn't finish the event without even really trying to finish when it's rather easy to note it down yourself to the exception of maybe the zombie kills and the hours played but the tracker is SUPPOSEDLY going to be fixed with time to spare on the Ribbon Rummage event. -
i remember /gm supermode 1
hhhhh good times
[GM]Lasagnya �� - Yesterday at 8:21 PM
Hello Everyone,
First, we apologize for any issues with the current events and trackers. Unfortunately as some of you have mentioned, due to the holidays not all people are available, therefore we cannot perform any technical changes until Wednesday, December 27.
That being said, rest assured that your game progress is saved even if the trackers are displaying missing or delayed information. You can continue to play, and what we will do next week is the following:
1. We will update any trackers that have issues to show correct progress
2. If you are missing any EP/Rewards, you will receive them between December 27 and December 28
3. If the EP event had an issue, we will re-open the EP items again after we send you the EP so you have a chance of buying them
Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience, but we hope you continue enjoying the events and everything will be corrected next week.
Happy Holidays!
CrossFire Team
from CF Discord -
Well, I don't see the point of making another post about it since the GM already said it DOES count even if the trackers don't update. So supposedly there's nothing to worry about, a wise man said once keep it mellow
The thread is more focused on what was worst between two bad events to happen to Crossfire.... plus I am bored and want to remember some good times. -
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »I kinda do, but I can't fully remember it. Could you help?
No way, How could I help with that? I'm not your secret stalker who secretly watches your posts and comments and knows everything about you.
I remember mine tho, it was a peaceful sunny day, I was doing my thing, not causing harm to anyone... Should I continue? it gets sad from here on -
No way, How could I help with that? I'm not your secret stalker who secretly watches your posts and comments and knows everything about you.
I remember mine tho, it was a peaceful sunny day, I was doing my thing, not causing harm to anyone... Should I continue? it gets sad from here on
Don't worry, it's not bad to admit that you stalk me, you won't be the only one doing it.
Continue the story, please. *grabs popcorn* -
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »Don't worry, it's not bad to admit that you stalk me, you won't be the only one doing it.
Continue the story, please. *grabs popcorn*
I'd continue but no matter how sarcastic I will try to sound, maybe the MOD who gave me the infraction will get a slight bad feeling about it. So, tell me your last time if you still remember -
Oh shucks you guys are making me blush.
Now on to more important issues... OP has a valid discussion so stick to the topic. There are good parts and bad parts of CF. Both are open for discussion as long as no one takes this opportunity to attack/insult another.
As far as “worst of CF 2017”, for me it’s the hackers ruining games for me. Sadface. -
Haha, you wish.
I'd continue but no matter how sarcastic I will try to sound, maybe the MOD who gave me the infraction will get a slight bad feeling about it. So, tell me your last time if you still remember
Hmm, my last time. my last time...
I would speak on that issue but I kinda want that MOD to be my friend again so imma just skip it since it wasn't such a big issue and was reasonable BUT i'll talk about the one before my last one.
Pretty much defending myself on a thread but totally forgot that people love to start something that they can't finish and run and report the "insulting" to a MOD. I got an Infraction for my actions and now I hate some certain people even more. Oh and I haven't forgot who they are cause since it kinda falls into the reason why I kicked out of the Discord but that's a whole different story for another day.
All you gotta remember is that people are very very sneaky on the forums...
Now you got to tell me at least one of your Infractions, I may even get an Infraction for talking about my Infraction so at least make it worth it...[MOD]Weiwei wrote: »Both are open for discussion as long as no one takes this opportunity to attack/insult another.
I'll try i'll try... -
[MOD]Weiwei wrote: »Oh shucks you guys are making me blush.
Now on to more important issues... OP has a valid discussion so stick to the topic. There are good parts and bad parts of CF. Both are open for discussion as long as no one takes this opportunity to attack/insult another.
As far as “worst of CF 2017”, for me it’s the hackers ruining games for me. Sadface.
Oh, here's the MOD who did NOT give me my first infraction. Actually come to think of it, you were with me that time AlwaysSnipin.
Sure MOD, we'll stick to the topic.
I can tell you the story but in pm, so she'll be your friend? -
Oh, here's the MOD who did NOT give me my first infraction. Actually come to think of it, you were with me that time AlwaysSnipin.
Sure MOD, we'll stick to the topic.
I can tell you the story but in pm, so she'll be your friend?
Was I?... I am everywhere on the forums excpet one thread that if I post in i'll instantly get 5 Infractions, so maybe I was there?
You got Discord? Inbox filled with Infractions Messages... -
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »Was I?... I am everywhere on the forums excpet one thread that if I post in i'll instantly get 5 Infractions, so maybe I was there?
You got Discord? Inbox filled with Infractions Messages...
Topic related stuff : actually I kinda agree, worst part was the hackers. Kinda the Halloween custome contest too. Got my expectations too high with 4 different customes in the "real life crossfire character" category then that Trinity Lil girl kicked my ass, she was really good tho.
Unimportant note : I don't have Discord, besides I thought you were kicked out of it, I tried to send a message to you but it says your inbox is full. Strange enough, I know the infraction you're talking about, the one on the winning screenshot thread, right? I was there too. My comment wasn't deleted tho -
Topic related stuff : actually I kinda agree, worst bad was the hackers. Kinda the Halloween custome contest too. Got mt expectations too high with 4 different customes in the "real life crossfire character" category then that Trinity Lil girl kicked my ass, she was really good tho.
Unimportant note : I don't have Discord, besides I thought you were kicked out of it, I tried to send a message to you but it says your inbox is full. Strange enough, I know the infraction you're talking about, the one on the winning screenshot thread, right? I was there too. My comment wasn't deleted tho
Now that you mention it, not winning the CFFF2017 was a bummer for me, too. -
[MOD]Weiwei wrote: »I see the start of a beautiful friendship here. Start a discussion on a negative topic... and something good comes out of it. ‘It’s the season, indeed 0.0
I wish I could fix our friendship tooTopic related stuff : actually I kinda agree, worst bad was the hackers. Kinda the Halloween custome contest too. Got mt expectations too high with 4 different customes in the "real life crossfire character" category then that Trinity Lil girl kicked my ass, she was really good tho.
Unimportant note : I don't have Discord, besides I thought you were kicked out of it, I tried to send a message to you but it says your inbox is full
OT: Hackers stay being ez to me. Git Gud.
Off-Topic: You got Skype? And yeah I am banned from the CF Discord but still can accept friend requests out of the circle.
But my Inbox gonna be full forever. -
[MOD]Weiwei wrote: »Did you participate in the Halloween costume contest? What was your costume if you don’t mind sharing?
Now that you mention it, not winning the CFFF2017 was a bummer for me, too.
What's that CFFF2017? I'm not really up to date.
I did participate, with Navy Seal custome, Commando custome, and a costume related to an event mode and even made something up called "Demon Commando", however, they are were pretty terrible compared to the winner in this category. Maybe I should just do Maiden next year since it always wins lmao.
Congrats on winning last year btw -
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »
OT: Hackers stay being ez to me. Git Gud.
Off-Topic: You got Skype? And yeah I am banned from the CF Discord but still can accept friend requests out of the circle.
But my Inbox gonna be full forever.
OT : I'm tryna be good, too hard to play regularly since I'm in college...
OT : Skype, last time I had it I was doing prank calls at random users so no.
Pm me your what's app number.
Edit : Never too late to make a post whining about not winning, gogo -
What's that CFFF2017? I'm not really up to date.
I did participate, with Navy Seal custome, Commando custome, and a costume related to an event mode and even made something up called "Demon Commando", however, they are were pretty terrible compared to the winner in this category. Maybe I should just do Maiden next year since it always wins lmao.
Congrats on winning last year btw
And ty :OAlwaysSnipin wrote: »And me too, I actually need to remember to make a thread about CFFF. -
OT : I'm tryna be good, too hard to play regularly since I'm in college...
OT : Skype, last time I had it I was doing prank calls at random users so no.
Pm me your what's app number.
Edit : Never too late to make a post whining about not winning, gogo
I'm also in College and I also have so much free time to use up... just not on CF.
Personal Number? Hmmm... go download yourself Discord or Skype cause that's alot more easiler.
I'll cry until I am proven the best editor of all time.[MOD]Weiwei wrote: »Oh, right. We first started talking because of CFFF.
Memories, and you thought I was a "new" forumer.... -
[MOD]Weiwei wrote: »CF Film Festival. Lmao the Maiden from this year and I were just talking about this yesterday. We said someone should do the final (red) stage of Maiden next year. Final Maiden being a guy would be classic.
And ty :O
Oh, right. We first started talking because of CFFF.
Ahaa, I see. I should get more info about it.
Well, thanks for the support. Let's see how it goes next year.AlwaysSnipin wrote: »I'm also in College and I also have so much free time to use up... just not on CF.
Personal Number? Hmmm... go download yourself Discord or Skype cause that's alot more easiler.
I'll cry until I am proven the best editor of all time.
Memories, and you thought I was a "new" forumer....
The heck? so Skype is alright but what's app isn't? You're a guy, right? Why are you getting shy and hesitant? XD
I'd give my number if you'd delete some messages
Edit: how come you have so much free time tho? I could barely play few hours a week -
The heck? so Skype is alright but what's app isn't? You're a guy, right? Why are you getting shy and hesitant? XD
I'd give my number if you'd delete some messages
Edit: how come you have so much free time tho? I could barely play few hours a week
Fineeeeee... give me your number and i'll message you on WhatsApp, and yeah I am hella shy.
I only go in for 3 days, Tuesday Wednesday Thursday. I only go in on Tuesdays to do Maths and the rest is for Media, lucky timetable. -
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »Fineeeeee... give me your number and i'll message you on WhatsApp, and yeah I am hella shy.
I only go in for 3 days, Tuesday Wednesday Thursday. I only go in on Tuesdays to do Maths and the rest is for Media, lucky timetable.
Holy smoked salmon. I said I couldn't send you a message. kindly Delete some Infractions.
Aww I always find the shy guys who have "send me a message via Skype" under their name so all strangers can message them cute. It's getting steamy in here.
Lucky timetable indeed.
There's something I wanna ask, Are you guys gonna participate in the holiday cheers postcard? -
Holy smoked salmon. I said I couldn't send you a message. kindly Delete some Infractions.
Aww I always find the shy guys who have "send me a message via Skype" under their name so all strangers can message them cute. It's getting steamy in here.
Lucky timetable indeed.
There's something I wanna ask, Are you guys gonna participate in the holiday cheers postcard?
Okay, I have room for one message.
Proceed to send your number and i'll redownload WhatsApp.
OT: Nope, I had a nice idea but I just totally couldn't be asked to finish it... -
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »Okay, I have room for one message.
Proceed to send your number and i'll redownload WhatsApp.
OT: Nope, I had a nice idea but I just totally couldn't be asked to finish it...
Well, you still got time, if it's a winning idea go for it.
I sent you my number, but I gotta go now, I have work to do so let's talk later . Try not to get banned, Good day
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