

  • Well you're neither selling the account nor sharing it, and hey, seems to be free commercial for the game, so why not...
  • So, I know selling accounts is against the rules, but what about selling services?

    Why not? A lot of professional CF players doing 1to1 game lessons for $$$.
    going 50-0 every single search n destroy. People love me, I'm their idol.

    If this is true (i doubt that) you should get into Livestreaming and Youtube! (Which is also a way to earn a bit of money).
    Would it be against the rules to ask them if they would like to buy my AWM Sniper Guide from amazon or whatever for x amount of dollars

    Dunno 'bout that, but this is allowed -> Ingame 1to1 lessons or Livestream/Youtube videos (Tutorials)... I don't think anyone will go to Amazon to buy a 'guide' which at the end won't be very helpful.

    Remember the good old days... where people said 'go to eBay and buy skills'?
  • Well, How many pages would that sniper guide be? 2 pages? And what do you expect the price of it would be, 2 Dollars? 3 dollars? And assuming that 4 people bought it ( if anyone actually did) it'll give you 12 dollars, not worth the troubles of writing and printing a guide Tbh.
    The 1 to 1 lessons is way more effective, this is my two cents, but to each his own I guess.