Reviving ghost mode

Anyone agree to make an event especially for ghost mode so that we can revive it and make it popular again


  • Problem with just doing an event though is that it'll bring in unwilling to learn nabs who spray with MG and yell hacker at good bhoppers and pinpointers. It needs a special kind of event, complete with a training grounds that teaches people what bhops and pin pointing is. Then on top of that we need a new, good, map.

    Also it'd help to have less toxicity from the GM community during such a thing so that new people who would want to learn don't turn around right after walking in the door.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    Problem with just doing an event though is that it'll bring in unwilling to learn nabs who spray with MG and yell hacker at good bhoppers and pinpointers. It needs a special kind of event, complete with a training grounds that teaches people what bhops and pin pointing is. Then on top of that we need a new, good, map.

    Also it'd help to have less toxicity from the GM community during such a thing so that new people who would want to learn don't turn around right after walking in the door.

    +1 to this, we need some tutorials that everyone who wanna participate in event must complete, so everyone know what bhop and pinpoint is.
  • New Year event for GM!-January-Tournament! If you want to play sign up. I tried hosting training sessions but the ignorant rather QQ walls than learn the game. Rip Guru clan and MasterMiyagi
  • +1. But just a simple event isnt gonna cut it. I think I've made a more detailed post about this in the past. Im going to try and look it up to post right here.

    Edit: Found it

    I actually was a dedicated GM player back in the days. I never played SnD, only TD and GM
    The days clans like H&S and GM*quiver were big. (sorry I probably forgot most of the big clans by now lol). I actually was LT of a dedicated GM only clan myself for a while untill I quit CF
    BUT there are 2 reasons as to why I quit GM and have never played GM in the last ~4 years:
    -loud sprayers (<--Main reason)
    -getting kicked out of every game if I didnt play with my clan or friends.

    From my perspective completely reviving GM would be a task setup to fail, because most of the really dedicated GMers quit the game and moved on with their lives. You might be able to lure back a few of them though, but without any improvements in the mode it will not appeal to new players and oldschool players wont stay.
    So first, Z8 HAS to take away the number 1 irritation among GMers: Loud sprayers. Implement a silenced only option into the ghost mode room creation. Nowadays silenced guns are easier than ever to acquire so this wont exclude new commers or non-spenders from GM.
    Since silenced pistols arent available for free secondary weapons should be unaffected by this rule. A little pistol spray here and there wont make anyone quit, its the non english speaking/ignoring sheeps that just run around in circles with their ZM MG spraying untill their mags are empty that ruined this mode.

    The second step would be to slowly start promoting GM and this new silenced only feature.
    Make a little GM event every month to make people try it out. Not a big one, im talking about things like 'Play 3 hours of GM this week for 10 crates' or 'Reach 100 kills in GM for 5 crate tickets' etc. <---keep repeating this every month or every other month.
    Easy things like that, DONT make huge GM events with large rewards and insane requirements, This will either make people farm the event, or grind GM so much that they are completely done with the mode when the event is over. And thus not reaching the initial goal of making people more interested in GM.

    Well now this thread better not die off lol, I didnt type this for fun, I really want this mode to be 'revived' or atleast increase the player base. And impove the mode. Which is really easy. (I mean, from a technical pov how hard is it to implement a silenced only option? Not hard I would think) There are literally no downsides.
  • Aaaand its dead again. I guess the people that stuck with this game over the years dont really care about GM anymore.
  • I think a combination of the suggestions above should work. A simple event will not do much, a big event will bring people just for the rewards but not to play properly.

    Maybe some small events as training leading into march of the ghosts.