Wave mode suggestions

. Remove all gems. Any current zp gems will be removed and the zp associated with a a gem will be reimbursed based on the individual price of the gem. Perhaps a new wave mode card that is still under beta-testing could be given for 6 months as compensation. A grenade launcher for example(not as overpowered as the one in heromode) with 1 shot per use. This launcher does the same dmg to the opponent the one in hero mode with an area of effect damage but only 1 shot is provided. Press h to activate. One shot every 1.5 mins.
b. Accounts below level 20 automatically get 8 class stabilisers. Accounts from level 21-29 get 6 class stabilisers. Any current level 30 players get 4 stabilisers. Note: This is only due to removing the zp gems.
c. Each time the level of a player increases by 5 e.g. Level 1 goes to level 6 the player who leveled up gets 5 class stabilisers. Current players get the number of class stabilisers in accordance with their levels but with a different scale where they get 3 stabilisers per 5 levels obtained. e.g. level 30 gets 15 stabilisers. This should enourage newer players to get higher level cards and not be thought of as a hindrance.
d. All cards have the same cooldown time as the gold blaster. This way noone has to complain about any card. The joker though does not remove the card from someone else but it only copies their cards.
e. JHP effect is reduced by 70% in wave mode games as the player is a super soldier. This way tmp abuse is not rampant.
f. The introduction of the waiver bar: If there is a difference in net levels of both teams by over 40 e.g. bl team has 4 level 30 (giving a net of 120 for bl team)and gr team has all level 20(4 players)(giving gr team a net of 80) then the gr team members gets a 50 percent loss percentage fill up in their no loss and k/d waiver bar. Meaning if they play a second game with such a mismatch they get their loss and their negative k/d waived. This waiver bar is only filled when a mismatched team scenario occurs. Any abuse of this waiver bar is highly punishable when proven leading to account suspension and loss of the honourable soldier ribbon.
g. Removal of the blaster and the gold blasters increased dmg by killing AI soldiers. Imagine a scenario where someone with a lvl 10 medic card and full hp with full 12% dmg reduction gems gets 1-shotted by an opponent who is only lvl 13. This happened to me today and this is very unfair even to the paying player. Gold blaster spam is the norm in wave mode right now and it has to change.
h. If the gems cannot be removed then allow free to play players access to zp gems e.g. every 100 wins in wave mode gives you 1 random zp gem or something similar.
i. A.I. soldiers:
They do 50% extra damage when not boosted by the energy transmitter. So if each soldier does 5 dmg to a player right now then the soldier now does 8 dmg(rounding up 7.5) to a player now. A.I. soldier should also have access to weapons such as a shotgun or sniper(use bot mode bots). A super soldier shouldn’t just have extra health and dmg reduction it should also be a super soldier that can access all wave mode classes. E.g. a super soldier with a blaster or a super soldier with a panther card.
j. Start a game with 4 players rather than 6.


  • a) disagree, i dont have full zp gems but price is acceptable and also event and achievments may reward them. weaker ones are for gp, the card doesnt have to stay empty.
    b) c) thats too much, you can get +7 without stabs with a bit of trying. there could be a small reward for the last levels, since +10 requires very much. There are also way to get stabs without zp, not too difficult.
    d) disagree, jug and medic should have higher cd than blaster. it is not the cd that makes cards op and people complain.
    e) agree, tmp is anoying in wave. general reduction or host can set option.
    f) agree, unfair teams happens a lot of times.
    g) maybe, but there should be a good passive too.
    h) sounds ok
    i) agree, more dmg from them. no better super soldier, they spawn if the team is allready close to winning, they dont need op help for that.
    j) maybe
  • Wave mode is built to be P2W, so they won't change anything regarding the gems.
    Some of the points you made are complicated, albeit valid, so I don't think it's possible(or it's really difficult) to implement such suggestions, for example point f.
    JHP guns are the cancer of every mode, so yeah +1 regarding any amount of nerfing.
    I also agree with reducing the amount of players needed to start a match.
    I completely disagree with point d. Different(and higher) cooldown times are really important. Could you imagine someone with a gold shock(with or without perfect gems) using their ability and after 2 seconds that same ability had respawned? the game would be unplayable.
    Me personally, having played 100+ games of Wave (which is not a lot but enough to have some experience in it) I'm glad that the norm is the golden blaster and not the socker or the mortar thingy, the mode would be far worse if those 2 cards were used more.
    The only advice I can give you is this: Don't play wave until you reach level 28-30. People will constantly kick you and even if they don't, you're gonna suck at it. I would suggest that you start playing Super Soldier TDM, it's much faster and easier to level up.
  • They shouldnt buff the cooldowns, but they really SHOULD nerf the Blaster in both time and power.

    Hell, blaster (along with shock) is nothing short of pure cancer, and the fact they are as OP as they are is a huge reason why the mode overall is trash to me.

    Like I said a long time ago, this mode had such potential but overall bad game design as well as greed destroyed this modes chances of being amazing.