Ranked Match stuff..

Hello first of all reaching gold will get us permananet grenade right? I kinda stopped playing after they didn't give out EP so I don't know abything new and I can't even fibd which season is this lol.. I'm guessibg 4th?
Also why doesn't someone put limit of games per day with same IGN for example 5 or 7 to solve being denolished by same hacker in 20 games per day ..
That would solve most of the problems u could still rank up normally and wouldn't meet so many cheaters also everyday patch as well just to change sone files that wob't let same hack work again .. Some people are hacking so hard for days..years reporting them on discord would get them insta perma banned? If it does 99% of people ib top 100 should be banned .. People with 90%+ win rates..just disgusting..and sad you cab actually reach top 100 without queueing with hackers..
