How to put the picture in signature ?
to add colours use the following code:
[/.color] (remove the ".") .
To add images you will have to download an app called Imgur and use it to upload the image you want to the internet, once you do copy its URL and paste it in your signature but you will have to writethe following code to make it appear:
Got it? -
' wrote:OMG[Thank;4521165']I check it on my setting, it said "No' in order to upload pic in signature. And I see people have it around, how do I add it?
upload the picture on imgur and then click on this
and then this menu appears , choose BBCode Forum -
thesuper850 wrote: »to add colours use the following code:
[/.color] (remove the ".") .
To add images you will have to download an app called Imgur and use it to upload the image you want to the internet, once you do copy its URL and paste it in your signature but you will have to writethe following code to make it appear:
Got it?
Does it has to be by the app?
Edit: Thank all, it worked !
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