Just add trading already

So i won the Barrett legendary dragon from 200 crates 2 days ago and i decided since nobody has won that (barely), i would try to complete the set right? so i buy 150 more crates thinking i might get something new. spin the first 50 and get 2 more barretts, and then i open the last 100 and win yet another barrett! love wasting my money on 3 of the same gun i already have. Totally would be helpful if you guy\s could hurry up and add gun trading so i can ya know have a use for them. Like my 3rd zp sniper i won more than once.. And having 3 mauser royals would be good to trade.


  • If you mean person 2 person trading then that ain't going to happen anytime soon cause they would want someone else to spend as much as you just did for those crates so they can keep getting that cash, by you giving someone the weapon completely kills the amount of money they would of gotten if the person would of bought a bunch of crates.

    If you mean being able to trade your weapon for something then I think that should be added like maybe:

    Having 2 of the same weapon you can trade both of them away to get something else from that crate set ( so you would need 3 of the same weapon if you wanted to keep one for yourself aswell )

    Or like CSGO have a Trade-Up Contract since there are sets now it would be cool if you put in maybe a certain amount of weapons from a certain set can be a certain new weapon and no dup.

    But again it's more about them making money out of it since now you got to buy MORE crates to get what you want and you may get another dup so you buy MORE crates and the cycle keeps going on...

    If anything if you got an idea of what kind of way trading could work in CF then suggest it, posting a complaint and then saying " trading system " isn't going to increase the chances of it being added but it would better if you had an idea of how it would work and such and then create the thread from that point since that would attract more people.

    So yeah.... Remodel your thread if you want a better chance of something happening.
  • As much as I'd like it, it'll never happen. Unless they can monetize it somehow z8/smilegate's insatiable money lust would not permit them to do something that would lead to direct loss of sales.

    Though, if something like this were implemented it could incentivize more to people to actually spend money in the first place, knowing they've got gun trading to fall back on. I, personally, don't buy zp for this game anymore. I bought 10k a few weeks ago to get the zm rings, but I'll never shell out for 50k, or 100k ever again due to the game runners' poor treatment of it's playerbase and it's awful reskin gambling system. If something like gun trading were to be implemented, I might, however change my mind.

    But z8/smilegate is not interested in implementing ideas that may indirectly lead to more sales, only directly. They don't have the vision or foresight to do things to make the community happy and actually WANT to spend money on this game. They merely pump out a few new skins or VIPs to get a quick surge of cash every few weeks from whoever their current small group of whales and suckers are at the time.

    The only way I really could see z8/smilegate implementing a gun trading system would be if it required a "gun trade ticket" or something like that. You and your friend would both have to buy one (probably for 10k+ ZP) and arrange a swap. Each transaction would be monetized so z8 can keep the lights on for another day.

    tl:dr: If you made it cost $$$ they might go for it. But probably not.
  • i liked the idea but unfortunately forget it to happen...
  • If it is impossible to happen, how about letting it happen once a year for 2 weaps/account/year.
    That would decrease the money losses.. if any!
  • They could make every trade cost 1000 zp from both the seller and buyer to still make some money out of it.

    In cf china they have a trading system for effects/character customs..
  • maybe we can trade weapons for zp bonus? like u have 2 awm and u want trade one so u go to website and trade this for 40-50% zp bonus. i think its was really nice)
  • So i won the Barrett legendary dragon from 200 crates 2 days ago and i decided since nobody has won that (barely), i would try to complete the set right? so i buy 150 more crates thinking i might get something new. spin the first 50 and get 2 more barretts, and then i open the last 100 and win yet another barrett! love wasting my money on 3 of the same gun i already have. Totally would be helpful if you guy\s could hurry up and add gun trading so i can ya know have a use for them. Like my 3rd zp sniper i won more than once.. And having 3 mauser royals would be good to trade.
    This would bring so many people back to the game also but sadly micro transactions are everything in free games these days.
  • i would like it so +1 but this will never happen unfortunately
  • This is like asking casino's to let you count cards.
    +1 but never gonna happen.
  • +1 for a trading system. But to trade weapons you must first own that weapon and the weapon you are trying to get is also available from another player. Z8 won't supply you the weapons. A trading ticket that costs 20,000zp must be bought by each player who want to trade their guns. You cannot trade gp weapons and temporary weapons. Each ticket allows a maximum of 2 guns to be traded. The seller advertises what guns they are selling and what they'd like( a general suggestion such as a deagle re-skin to a specific suggestion such as deagle snake). Transactions are immediate and final and if you don't want those guns then you must contact the GMs and allow up to 5 working days to get your original guns back. For this to happen both parties must agree to get their original guns back. However the zp for the trading ticket or the trading ticket is not reimbursed. Any scammers/cheaters are to be reported to z8games and will be immediately banned and their accounts can be given to new players who request for another account after playing the game for 2months and achieving criteria set by GMs yet to be determined. Current players are also allowed access to this pool. However they can only access this pool by fulfilling criteria separate to new players' criteria and their requests can only be sent every 3 months.