Looking for an ACTIVE Microphone Clan.

Looking for an Active Microphone Clan, that mainly plays Search & Destroy and Ghost Mode in scrims. I don't mind the occasional (probly spelt wrong, T.T) Team Death Match, but those are my two game modes.
Ghost Mode:

I am an Exellent Pinpointer in Ghost Mode. I have been called a hacker many times, and I have done growlers and live streams - and guess what? No coloured people through the walls ;)

I can also do the simple bunny hop.

Search & Destory:

Like any other person, I can shoot, defuse and of course plant the bomb. and once again, occasionally die.

Requirements I want for a clan:

[•] Humoured Community, ect.
[•] Fun, and always talking.
[•] Play together.
[•] No DRAMA.
[•] No hackers, glitchers.
[•] Ventrilo, TeamSpeak or something that uses a microphone.
Note*: I don't use xFire, doesn't work for me ingame.

Post your clan links in a reply, and I will look at them.

Aswell, I usually like to check out the clans before joining them. Meaning, I want to play with the members, talk on Ventrilo ect. because I come from known clans and left a couple "pro" ones.

My Character Information:

IGN: Saint*Angel
Rank: Second LT - 1st Stripe.
K/D: Don't want to do the math -.-

Link: http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5285876

Note*: People call me farmer/hacker due to my K/D - I don't farm neither hack ;)
