good suggestions for kick hacks / hackers out of game

1:// open kick vote in all modes
if you guys join any FFA/HMX for example or any kickvote-off mode room
ofc you found about 1-3 hackers that make normal players angry!

2:// crates of succesfull hack report
give crates for anyone report some hackers in pub room (so they can't farm it)

3:// make rank requirements in UK4 & NA1
like no one under "Sergeant First Class" or "Master Sergeant" can join to that's servers

4:// ban the IPs witch make much accounts from signup
and to the new IPs I think it's enough for 2-3 accounts? maybe?

5:// if any account got banned because of use hack give the player HGWC ban or what ever it named (ip ban from run and play CF for temp time)

finnaly I wish any mod/admin see that & if any one have comment please write am waiting ://


  • 1:// open kick vote in all modes
    if you guys join any FFA/HMX for example or any kickvote-off mode room
    ofc you found about 1-3 hackers that make normal players angry!

    2:// crates of succesfull hack report
    give crates for anyone report some hackers in pub room (so they can't farm it)

    3:// make rank requirements in UK4 & NA1
    like no one under "Sergeant First Class" or "Master Sergeant" can join to that's servers

    4:// ban the IPs witch make much accounts from signup
    and to the new IPs I think it's enough for 2-3 accounts? maybe?

    5:// if any account got banned because of use hack give the player HGWC ban or what ever it named (ip ban from run and play CF for temp time)

    finnaly I wish any mod/admin see that & if any one have comment please write am waiting ://

    I am not a admin/mod, but many of the things you suggested has been suggested before by other players and all of these suggestions are able to be exploited for personal gain.

    1. Kick vote was removed from some modes because people abuse it a lot. Getting ACE means you get a higher chance of getting kicked even if you're not hacking. Most of the times people don't vote to kick out cheaters.

    2. Someone can make tons of cheating accounts and self report themselves so their main accounts gets unlimited free crates.

    3. Rank is easy to get nowadays.

    4. IP addresses can be changed.

    5. They do permanently ban cheaters, but cheaters just remake a new account again. These accounts are not their main account of course.
  • 1:// open kick vote in all modes
    if you guys join any FFA/HMX for example or any kickvote-off mode room
    ofc you found about 1-3 hackers that make normal players angry!

    2:// crates of succesfull hack report
    give crates for anyone report some hackers in pub room (so they can't farm it)

    3:// make rank requirements in UK4 & NA1
    like no one under "Sergeant First Class" or "Master Sergeant" can join to that's servers

    4:// ban the IPs witch make much accounts from signup
    and to the new IPs I think it's enough for 2-3 accounts? maybe?

    5:// if any account got banned because of use hack give the player HGWC ban or what ever it named (ip ban from run and play CF for temp time)

    finnaly I wish any mod/admin see that & if any one have comment please write am waiting ://

    1: Absolutely not. While hackers are found in larger droves in those rooms the fact of the matter is that re-enabling the KVS in them will only result in handfuls of hackers at best getting kicked while the majority of people kicked will be legit players. Those legit players will get kicked for stupid reasons like taking too long to die (see this in Mutations all the time before KVS was removed), low ping, nationality, and in the rare case of a room where the hackers are bad and a legit player has ace that player will get kicked for being ace. On top of that even when a hacker gets kicked another one is likely to just take their place in the current environment. So the KVS is not the tool to fight against hackers during large hack waves, especially not with our rather nabby and spiteful playerbase.

    2: While I do find the idea of getting rewarded for successful/valid hack reports that lead to a confirmation of hack and a ban to that player would be nice. I believe the sad truth is that it will increase the amount of false reports massively. And while they can implement punishments for too many false reports and the what not I believe it is counter productive here. The best reward here would be to prioritize the reports of those who continuously send in valid confirmed reports that lead to bans.
    MAYBE occasionally rewarding, at random, the players who have a 95% confirmed report rate and above a certain amount of reports overall as well. This would mean that players can't create alts to report to boost their confirmed report rate as eventually they'll run out of accounts to do it with and/or it'd just take up way too much time. It'd be quicker to report actual hackers.

    3: I don't have too much of a problem with this. Though the plans for the change would need to be announced multiple times both in-game and out of game that way everyone knows about it and what not.
    The biggest problem here though is the fact that NA1 anyways is barely alive and removing too many lower ranks could only separate the players more thus making it harder to find games or at least full games.

    4: This in theory sounds good. but implementation of the banning of IPs to prevent many accounts being made through it is harder. As in many cases individual IPs can be changed relatively easily and while parts of the IP may remain the same for indicating a larger area.... if you start doing blanket bans on the larger area IP it'll only restrict people who may have never made an account before and that means you're potentially killing a source of new players who are legit.

    5:Again IP bans sound good...but not as effective as one would like to think. SUPPOSEDLY from an announcement awhile back they do, do MAC Address bans....however, even that sounds better than it really is in terms of effectiveness.

    ultimately the best solution is a much more active policing of the servers. While this has been more of a thing lately to a degree, thanks to their little community project they've been running, it still needs to be ramped up. But also a more useful Anti-cheat system is needed badly. Research by the Devs into ways of patching the ways that hacks inject or alter game code could be done as well but that's much more temporary than the others. It could also be good for the Devs/Managers to find the sources of these hacks and get action taken against those domains that sponsor/allow hacks that effect the game to be distributed.
  • 1. Then when the hack wave is gone, the legit players will start to get kicked.

    2. No.

    3. Hmmm, maybe. But there are still a lot of hackers with high ranks.

    4. Useless.

    5. They currently give MAC Address bans.
  • 1:// open kick vote in all modes
    if you guys join any FFA/HMX for example or any kickvote-off mode room
    ofc you found about 1-3 hackers that make normal players angry!

    2:// crates of succesfull hack report
    give crates for anyone report some hackers in pub room (so they can't farm it)

    3:// make rank requirements in UK4 & NA1
    like no one under "Sergeant First Class" or "Master Sergeant" can join to that's servers

    4:// ban the IPs witch make much accounts from signup
    and to the new IPs I think it's enough for 2-3 accounts? maybe?

    5:// if any account got banned because of use hack give the player HGWC ban or what ever it named (ip ban from run and play CF for temp time)

    finnaly I wish any mod/admin see that & if any one have comment please write am waiting ://

    lol am waiting... ok you keep waiting
  • 1. No this will get this again that the ACE will be kicked because people gets mad about him/her for being too good against them so they kick them.
    2. I wish this could happen. But big chance that there will be abused.
    3. Ranking isn't hard anymore since with the monthly weekly exp and gp boost.
    4. IP address bannning can happen. But you just have to turn the router for 30 minutes to change IP. 30 minutes is like just doing your groceries.
    5. They're using this already but.... doesn't help....
  • Back in the day FFA and MM/HM/HMX did have a kick vote and being ACE was pretty much a guaranteed kick. It was pretty funny in HMX especially. If you became Hero it was an instant kick because the CF community is one of the most toxic in the biz. Salty little wimps would kick anyone who is doing good because their fragile little egos can't handle getting rekt.
  • I'm just gonna keep it simple since everyone else has pretty much said what I was going to say.

  • The only solution i see with the kick vote system is:

    1- Make the kick voting system back on all modes BUT instead of getting kicked with 10-6 rate make it to max 12-4 so there is less chance that legit players will get kicked.
    2- Make it able to the host of them room to have at least 5 vote kicks in FFA, HMX and other modes.
  • The best way to stop multiple accounts being made from the same pc is to remember the pc details that has been set by the manufacturers. PC name can be changed but not the details that allows the manufacturer to recognise it.