Battlefront vs Crossfire Discussion

In light of all the Battlefront Star Wars drama about the "microtransactions"......*diving into dangerous waters*

I'm curious as to what the community thinks about it. I know that in regards to Crossfire, this has been brought up roughly a million times already, and most of the threads/posts on this have been rants concerning the amount of money someone spent on crates with no gun won. I just want to see how people think now, especially because of the outpouring of anger towards EA for implementing a very similar system.

There have been discussions of this point in the past, and I think most players are currently aware that microtransactions are a part of Crossfire, which is good. And I don't think SG has tried to hide the fact that their lottery system is a "chance" thing, that you are never guaranteed to win anything.

Some potential talking points:
Is the current win rate fair?

Is the crate price/perm item still reasonable?

Does having a larger ZP market make sense?


  • Difference is cf is free to play. I didn't buy zp until 2015 and still had a ton of fun before that. There are so many good free alternatives to ZP weapons so it's not like you HAVE to spend to enjoy the game.
  • I'd have to agree with the above.

    With CF, I'm not paying a 60 Dollar Entrance Fee only to be greeted by even more RNG in terms of lootboxes without any way to influence the thing you are getting.

    CF gives you a main prize to aim for in the Crates, with the occasional second gun thrown in there which might be undesirable, but fair game, as it is a Free to Play Game which ought to make it's money somehow.
    Plus, as frozen said, there are plenty of free alternatives which blow a fair amount of supposed "ZP Guns" out of the water.

    As for your talking points, we don't really know the win rate, so I can't really know if it actually is fair or not.
    I've won stuff within a single crate, and some stuff I never won after an ungodly amount of crates.

    As for the Price Range, I know that another Game, and possibly the Game which made Lootboxes in full priced titles fashionable, Overwatch, charges about a Dollar for a single lootbox.
    CrossFire kinda has the same price, as to which I'd say the current price of ZP Crates is pretty fair, considering it's F2P.

    Naturally, some things in CF are a bit... hard to excuse. Those 70 Bullet TMPs obtained by paying about 400 or so Dollars to get 6 VIP Thompsons, or the VIP M4A1, to name a few.
    But those are the only things which I'd consider truly "Screw the Rules, I have Money!" worthy.

    So for me, it all frankly just boils down to CF being free. If a Game is fun, I'm gladly willing to spend a few bucks to support it, and get some virtual swag in the process.

    Games like Battlefront II and the like feel as though they are being tailored to get you to spend money, no matter what. All they want is to have no actual ceiling of profit that they can make.
    One would be insane to support a Game that asks you to pay 60 Dollar entry fee and then expects you to gamble even more money away, lest you have to play an insane amount of time to unlock the thing you actually want.
  • I legit sat down like during the Battlefront battle and was like

    " I am going to Crossfired for the price of £40 "

    Crossfire can get away with it since it is a F2P game and they must have a way to make money like any other F2P game but Battlefront is a £40 ( $60 ) game so you've already paid to play so everything should be unlocked during game with no bonus crap included unless it's DLC which even that is going too far nowadays.

    I would never say this but honestly i'll rather put in money into Crossfire and get myself a VIP weapon rather than buy Battlefront and buy for a bunch of useless crates.
  • I find just too stupid having to pay for DLCs or other stuff. I bought the game, why should I pay even more to unlock more stuff? Not to mention some games are really expensive.
  • I guess that's the main difference- Battlefield requires a fee up front, whereas Crossfire doesn't.

    And yeah, I agree with you both Frozen and Preset, some of the free guns in CF are simply beasts (AK-47 for example).
  • seafrog wrote: »
    Some potential talking points:
    Is the current win rate fair?

    Is the crate price/perm item still reasonable?

    Does having a larger ZP market make sense?

    Z8Games allow you to access Crossfire's full features without spending a penny. You could eventually gamble your luck for neat skins instead of vanilla ones; however, Z8 still offer crates in events. On the other hand, Electronic Arts twist the customers hand into buying the crates or spend a massive amount of time in-game for a chance of winning unlike their other first product, Battlefront I.

    To answer your questions:

    - Yes, it is.
    - Yes, the prices are moderate and compatible for the amount of items inside a box.
    - No, ZP items are unfairly larger than the GP items and much better.