Enable kick vote on HMX,MM ect

I have a huge complaint to make about how YOU GUYS decide that it's a good idea to disable the vote kick BUTTON in mode like HMX,MM, ect. If you guys don't take any action against the cheating players, any hacking report (i had sent 2 hacking reports about 2 months ago, guess what...there is a single reply to it!!!!) or update your anti-cheat. IF your company don't have the human resources then at least us KICK people that are ruin our fun!! AND TO PROVE MY POINT!! i had recorded a game play.


  • Yes bring it back. Not our faults you picked an anticheat 2x worse than our last.
  • Community voted to remove it, so they did. We didn't know the hacking wave would come like this. But when it's gone, legit player will be getting kicked from left to right.
  • It's etther deal with it not being there and have to deal with hackers OR deal with innocent people getting kicked like the ACE.

    I feel like modes that don't affect your KDR don't need KVS but that's my opinion, best thing to do is just have better control on the hacks right now.
  • It really doesn't need to return. All you have to do is look at the modes that DO still have it when a hacker comes in. Takes multiple attempts to kick the hacker but then some random nab will start a vote on a legit normal player and they are gone 9times out of 10. And those are modes where reasonable players generally play. HMX and other mutation modes are really bad with players who either flat out don't vote or will just start kick wars on whoever for whatever reason. They don't care about the hackers. Plus when you have 3+ hackers per room and more circling the lobbies waiting to join into another room...it makes it so that if you DO manage to get one kicked....their place will just be taken by another one.

    The situation needs an anti-cheat update and new policy that helps prevent and get rid of hackers while giving the player base some kind of notice of the on-going situation to help ease the player base. Not going back and forth on a kick vote system in a toxic community that likes to abuse kick votes outside of the hack wave.