
I thought a long time about the player base of the game and i got to a conclusion, i think we need that this version merge with another
or even more than one versions , so we have again more servers full.The versions available for this would be Cf EU, Cf Ru, Cf Br and Cf Es.
I dont know exacly how it could be get done , but i think it is something to take in consideration, as our player base is going down and
down each day passing, and this hakers problems gets never solved.Maybe if it would be implemented, things would change in good for
players base, more money for the company that allow devs a lot more good changes and other advantages.


  • I could see CF EU merging with us since its dead down there and the servers would make more sense for UK players but the others... I don't know it just wouldn't be easy but would totally be a good idea.

    +1 but I just can't see it happening.
  • +1 CFEU is almost dead and CFNA is dying bcs of unstoppable hackers. But always if it's possible to happen!
  • I always wondered why crossfire isnt running on the same client globaly in the first place, but hey thats just me. Would solve allot of trouble.

    But anyways, yeah a merge with EU gets a +1 from me.
  • nGhost wrote: »
    I always wondered why crossfire isnt running on the same client globaly in the first place, but hey thats just me. Would solve allot of trouble.

    But anyways, yeah a merge with EU gets a +1 from me.

    Not only Eu, if they will make a move into this, i think it should be bigger, cause its not something they do every day,
    i thought about merging with Eu,Ru,Es and maybe even Br all the same time.Also if Br version is doing well and dont need this,
    the merge with the other 3 i mentioned should give us a boost for better anyway.
  • winnnetou wrote: »
    Not only Eu, if they will make a move into this, i think it should be bigger, cause its not something they do every day,
    i thought about merging with Eu,Ru,Es and maybe even Br all the same time.

    Let's start small and go with CF EU since they are English speakers and UK players play down there and here.
  • Let's start small and go with CF EU since they are English speakers and UK players play down there and here.

    Spain is in europe and not even so far from uk, why not including their version, as there are middle east players that talk english,
    im sure that spanish players can talk too.Same for Ru, any russian player should know as much english as a middle east player.
  • winnnetou wrote: »
    Spain is in europe and not even so far from uk, why not including their version, as there are middle east players that talk english,
    im sure that spanish players can talk too.Same for Ru, any russian player should know as much english as a middle east player.

    You do realise this is the same company that struggle to give people their gifts on deadline of an event right? Lol let them start small with CF EU since there must be very close friends then build up from there.
  • You do realise this is the same company that struggle to give people their gifts on deadline of an event right? Lol let them start small with CF EU since there must be very close friends then build up from there.

    Ok , if u think so.Also i would be glad if any Mod or Gm would give us an official opinion on this.
  • winnnetou wrote: »
    Ok , if u think so.Also i would be glad if any Mod or Gm would give us an official opinion on this.
    Just so you know, Mods have no "official" opinion on this (and many other topics). Mods can state our thoughts, but it will just forever be thoughts of mere volunteers. As a regular player, I also fully support this idea +1.

    Personally, I would expect any decision (or even hint at such a decision) regarding EU and NA merging would never be publicly announced unless it were to officially happen. As in, the day you know is the day everyone knows, not just the ones reading this read.

    Lastly, just because you don't get an "official" response from a GM (or Mod) doesn't mean they didn't read the thread or see your suggestion~
  • This probably won't happen anytime soon. CF Europe isn't that dead, quite the opposite I can say and on 9th of November new German servers will be available, with probably even better specs that NA's UK servers. Smilegate Europe has acquired the license for CF Europe until December 2018. Until then don't expect any changes.

    Also, at this point I doubt any CFEU player, including me, wants a merge. There are barely any hackers there, Egypt is restricted from making new accounts and the current GM team is trying to make things better. I have been playing there actively the last year and (except the server problems, which will be hopefully solved at the next patch) it's pretty nice and I enjoy it so far.
  • K4ZR4G0R3 wrote: »
    This probably won't happen anytime soon. CF Europe isn't that dead, quite the opposite I can say and on 9th of November new German servers will be available, with probably even better specs that NA's UK servers. Smilegate Europe has acquired the license for CF Europe until December 2018. Until then don't expect any changes.

    Also, at this point I doubt any CFEU player, including me, wants a merge. There are barely any hackers there, Egypt is restricted from making new accounts and the current GM team is trying to make things better. I have been playing there actively the last year and (except the server problems, which will be hopefully solved at the next patch) it's pretty nice and I enjoy it so far.

    Dude I was playing it like a week ago and walked myself into TDM match with like 5 aimbotters and no one got kicked. It ain't no different there, it just has a lot more English speakers and its fun to talk to people cause they won't get rude or beg for crap lol.
  • Dude I was playing it like a week ago and walked myself into TDM match with like 5 aimbotters and no one got kicked. It ain't no different there, it just has a lot more English speakers and its fun to talk to people cause they won't get rude or beg for crap lol.

    I have been playing every day since September and I got across just two blatant hackers both in FFA. Even on ranked, I didn't see any hackers.
  • nGhost wrote:
    I always wondered why crossfire isnt running on the same client globaly in the first place, but hey thats just me. Would solve allot of trouble.

    There's probably a fair few reasons over all. But it seems to me that they probably knew CF would have a more limited appeal in some other countries outside of their home market so decided to make slightly different versions that appealed more to those markets to bring them into the CF brand/universe. In the earlier years there were a fair few differences between versions here and there but a large portion of those are now removed and the various versions are becoming more and more consolidated and on course with each other in terms of updates.

    But despite that fact there's probably TONS of little coding inconsistencies between different versions that'd make a merge a nightmare. One of the two merging groups would have to take in new content or sacrifice some of what they already have. And then they'd get stuck with one of the versions bugs and issues and so on. In some cases the managing companies would also have their own problems to resolve as even if you had a single Managing company like Z8 with 2 versions of CF, they probably has a team for each one and would have to go through a fair amount of paper work and official business to make it happen on their part. So imagine if the two versions of CF get told to merge via Smilegate (the ultimate CF authority) and they're not even managed by the same company overall so you have 2 separate managing companies involved....that's a lot of work that we players will never see but most importantly to us it's a lot of time involved.

    While from what i've heard the CF EU servers aren't very populated either so a merger with them COULD make sense to bringing some life back to both areas. especially since we have the UK (whose servers i've heard are likely in Germany anyways...). Certainly not something i'd expect anytime soon despite our dwindling numbers here on this version and whatever is going on in other versions that would make a merger make sense. But if it were to happen....we'll likely not hear anything official on it until all of the background preparations have been cleared and they have a set date or at least month for the merging of the servers.

    I'd like to think with the eventual CF2 that they'd do it a global client and keep things the same across all servers and regions for simplicity reasons and based on what they've learned from their CF1 foray. a spamy forumer used to say: Only Time Will Tell.

    (hooray it let me post a slightly edited version! seemed to have an issue with the length of my post. although it's now longer than the original with this bit of text. HRMMMMMMMMMM)
  • Cf-eu is Dead since 2011. But still This Version makes enough profit to stay. Also Not every Version has the same publisher. What makes it impossible for a merge.
  • Take a look at CF EU - There you see what happens if you don't care about such problems as hackers or laggy servers. The same thing can happen to NA aswell.
    I would consider a (re)-fusion of CF EU & NA as useful and appreciated. Also merging CF NA & EU Accounts into one profile would be nice, though this will never happen.

    It's just fun to see how they forced us UK/Europe players not to register here anymore, but instead we should start playing CF EU back in 2012/13 where Gamerage finished the beta.
  • egypig wrote: »
    Cf-eu is Dead since 2011. But still This Version makes enough profit to stay. Also Not every Version has the same publisher. What makes it impossible for a merge.

    This might not be fully correct.
    The publishers (aka. those with the License's and stuff) are different, yes.
    But the game clients & servers are all the same, no matter which version.
    In addition - as because every CF version has received the '2.0' update, I'd consider the migration from any previous cf version to be accomplished.