Resell VIP Nobel beasts
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »They keep adding new Noble Beasts so I don't know if they would release the Old Ones anytime soon but I could expect them putting them in another Bingo Event or in another way that isn't the BM.
In the end you would be better off buying a regular vip weapon :P -
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »And that's something I keep telling people, you are pretty much gambling for worse verison of something you could directly buy with a bunch of advantages lol.
master_mann wrote: »Yeah but it's not gold :P
Okay fine, Noble Beast has one better thing than the VIP's. Everything is better when in Gold.thesuper850 wrote: »nobles are better in appearance in the first place and the rarity of the gun , plus it has another forgotten advantage over the VIPs , it doesn't appear with a mark on your ign of VIP , so you will not find ****ies blocking you & asking for them when you enter the room (at least until they discover you are holding them after a round or two) so it is like "a VIP undercover"
Ohhhh true true. They should actually put that in the description " VIP Undercover - Won't show up a VIP Symbol so you can freely play your matches without people attacking you shouting " VIB PLZ " "
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