Disconecting error

I have an error that give me disconect from game everytime i get it, and a small window where
is write "Out of range", now a friend in cf said it is windows fault and that i should install a new windows.
Any other sugestions?


  • What does " Install a new windows " even mean?
    Is your friend from the same clan as you cause I know some people down there be making no sense sometimes.


    -Just check that no Antivirus Softwares are blocking Crossfire.

    -Disconnect from your WiFi and Reconnect and see if it makes a difference.

    -You could try to restart your PC and see if it pops up again since it could be another program open on your PC causing this problem.

    - Check if you got any Driver Updates or Windows Updates

    - And if all of that don't work then maybe you gotta reinstall Crossfire and see if that fixes it which hopefully it does.
  • What does " Install a new windows " even mean?
    Is your friend from the same clan as you cause I know some people down there be making no sense sometimes.


    -Just check that no Antivirus Softwares are blocking Crossfire.

    -Disconnect from your WiFi and Reconnect and see if it makes a difference.

    -You could try to restart your PC and see if it pops up again since it could be another program open on your PC causing this problem.

    - Check if you got any Driver Updates or Windows Updates

    - And if all of that don't work then maybe you gotta reinstall Crossfire and see if that fixes it which hopefully it does.

    The friend that suggested me new fresh windosw is also a forumer, and is from clan rush, in game name Drawinkik.
    Also i dont have any antivirus, just Microsoft security esentials and i keep it always off.
    That update thing on windows i might try or disconect from wifi.And i have no other program because i always
    use gamebooster to close all other process that might make my game slower or with less fps.
    And now im downloading a new windosw7 on 64 bits, making a bootable stckick and will
    instal a fresh copy of windows, because i tried to update windows but always gives me error, thats
    because i stopped windows update about 2 years ago, and never checcked for updates.
    And after i will also download game again and install it too, im a little lazy but will do it anyway.
  • Out of range usually means your monitor doesn't support the resolution that it has been set to. Try changing your resolution in game and see if it stops.