Kick Vote System

As all know the game has unbelievable number of hackers nowadays.It's really hard to keep reporting all of them because of the huge number.I don't say we should stop reporting 'em but at least we need KVS back to the other modes.It was removed to protect the high score players on the board ,but it doesn't make any sense if you can't play this mode due to those complete the ongoing event every room I join it has at least about 3~4 hackers :(.they keep saying there is no more kick on those modes and it's really boring to keep seeing 'em again and again.I hope we can get back the KVS,please.I am really so sad we even can't play ranked matches because of 'em but now they are everywhere !


  • Most of the players don't even bother voting. So I feel it's pretty pointless.
    You can have the cheater blatantly cheating, and there will still be people that will ignore the vote or press f12 even though it's negatively affecting them.
    Most of the players in this game are not the brightest.
  • yes it was mentioned before , IMO it should be a temp solution till a new anti cheat system is there.
  • KVS must remain disabled in aforementioned modes to prevent unfair kicking of non-hacking players who have good scores, by losers who always cry when they are killed and mostly play with some of their clanmates. Enabling KVS in said modes would be like a double blow to us good players, who not only have to put up with hackers, but will also have to put up with lower than average skill players who play with their clan mates and cry throughout the match, and then kick the good players at the end of a match.

  • Pooyan wrote: »
    KVS must remain disabled in aforementioned modes to prevent unfair kicking of non-hacking players who have good scores, by losers who always cry when they are killed and mostly play with some of their clanmates. Enabling KVS in said modes would be like a double blow to us good players, who not only have to put up with hackers, but will also have to put up with lower than average skill players who play with their clan mates and cry throughout the match, and then kick the good players at the end of a match.

    so you can play those modes happily with hackers?I voted to remove KVS be kicked all the time because of Ace that was the point,but the real point now that you can't play those modes anymore at least not as much you used to do because of 'em.It can be tmp till they update the anti-cheat system.the most agreed thing we wanna get rid of hackers
  • CF NA isn't known to kicking cheaters even in modes with kick enabled.
  • so you can play those modes happily with hackers?I voted to remove KVS be kicked all the time because of Ace that was the point,but the real point now that you can't play those modes anymore at least not as much you used to do because of 'em.It can be tmp till they update the anti-cheat system.the most agreed thing we wanna get rid of hackers
    No, I can't play happily with hackers. That's why I've stopped playing this game. But right now I'm only playing for the ribbon. So I'd rather play with a hacker to be able to complete the event, rather than get kicked at the last moment from rooms that I've played 30 minutes in.
  • Today play played a few ghost mode games, last game i had 2 hakers in room, one in gr and one in bl,
    the haker in gr quit or gott error and didnt disturbed me much, but the other one, speeder in bl got
    about 10 times kik and we didnt managed to kik him, always was 9-6 or 10-6 or 8-7 or numbers like these
    and we couldnt kik him until game end, so whats the point for getting kik in other modes,
    u will get same results as me, u will not be able to kik haker because to many players are kids
    or they may gain something from haker presence in room or other reasons, so kik isnt the solution for u.
    Better think to other solutions.
  • we really need to find a solution.alot of players stopped playing that modes.I hope any game master or mod gonna see this I really wanna hear that there is a solution !
  • Even in modes with VK players often stay in because of lazyness or other problems in communication. Sadly some people dont mind supporting cheaters with their lazyness...
  • Pooyan wrote: »
    But right now I'm only playing for the ribbon.

    Play for ribbons then never get into a room until next ribbon offer. Ok. That reminds me of something a clanmate said to all of us once, 'You guys play for ribbons and event crates to get cool weapons you are not gonna use later 'cause you don't even play for fun anymore'.
    Pooyan wrote: »
    That's why I've stopped playing this game.

    At your rate, every player is going to leave CF and then there'll only be hackers on this game. I don't particularly like that outcome as I have spent quite some time on this game to be forced to leave by hackers. We need a solution, even if its only a half-measure.
  • winnnetou wrote: »
    Today play played a few ghost mode games, last game i had 2 hakers in room, one in gr and one in bl,
    the haker in gr quit or gott error and didnt disturbed me much, but the other one, speeder in bl got
    about 10 times kik and we didnt managed to kik him, always was 9-6 or 10-6 or 8-7 or numbers like these
    and we couldnt kik him until game end, so whats the point for getting kik in other modes,
    u will get same results as me, u will not be able to kik haker because to many players are kids
    or they may gain something from haker presence in room or other reasons, so kik isnt the solution for u.
    Better think to other solutions.

    You might be right, but if you think about it, as it is right now you don't even have a chance to kick the hackers out of the game. If KVS gets implemented back into all game modes then at least
    you'll have a chance to kick those speed hackers and one-hit knifers. I can tell you I believe in KVS, I'd played a lot of S&D yesterday and we got every hacker out of the room almost instantly thanks to everyone's vote. I also played GM for the event goal and we also got speed hackers kicked out of there, even thought not as many as in S&D games.

    Its just a matter of who you play games with and how involved players are with the game. We need to get involved with the game.
  • nelson28 wrote: »
    Play for ribbons then never get into a room until next ribbon offer. Ok. That reminds me of something a clanmate said to all of us once, 'You guys play for ribbons and event crates to get cool weapons you are not gonna use later 'cause you don't even play for fun anymore'.

    I hate having to explain simple things. If you think using your head for once, you'd realize you've blamed random stuff upon me that I never said. Yes I have stopped playing. I've been playing this game on and off since since closed beta. I've stopped playing now because I don't want to frustrate myself being a cow for hackers. But when hackers are eradicated, and if this game survives, I might start playing again. And at that time I don't want to regret having lost chances to get limited ribbons. If you still don't understand and want to make snide remarks, just tell me and I'll make this even simpler for you to understand. No hard feelings. :)
    At your rate, every player is going to leave CF and then there'll only be hackers on this game. I don't particularly like that outcome as I have spent quite some time on this game to be forced to leave by hackers. We need a solution, even if its only a half-measure.

    It's not my problem if everyone chooses to leave this game for good. I'm do not work for CF. I only play it because I find it entertaining. I've not spent years on this game to have a nice high rank, a nice collection of weapons and items. No. These things are like bonus to me. I'm not a collector. I'm not a farmer. I don't care if I have high rank or low rank. I've not "invested" any time or money in this game to have a "valuable" account in the end that I can auction off for millions of dollars. This game will shutdown within 5 years. Even less if things keep going on as they are. Consoles are gonna get cheaper and cheaper. High-end PC's are gonna get cheaper. PC's are gonna get more powerful than ever. Games are gonna become more immersive and realistic. The only niche this game in its current state might have in future is going to be super poor countries like Egypt and other African countries, where people can't afford high-end PCs or consoles.
    So you want everyone to spend a couple hours everyday in CF and put up with hackers only to keep the game running? Yeah, really bright idea you have here. No, we don't need ANY solution. SGW needs a solution. Do you work for SGW? No, you don't.
  • Guys let's keep calm we are just talking.I said something I guess you should hear it again.KVS was removed because of kicking high score players ( for modes that doesn't have vote anymore).when hackers keep playing on this modes alot of player stopped playing it so it makes no sense to keep KVS down for it.
    If anti-cheat can't ban hackers,let us kick 'em.Hackers are now insulting us that's not acceptable at all !. we wanna do something.just log in and join any mutation modes any FFA(especially Knives room) I swear you will know how do we suffer.speeders and wallers are everywhere now.
    If I report hacker,I keep checking his profile and I found that he is still playing the game normally.KVS could be temporary are saying that lazy players wouldn't vote 'em.Aren't you lazy for saying that ?
    they always got kicked on search n destroy so if we have KVS again on individual score rooms nobody will just let 'em play.
    Still hoping that any game master or moderator gonna see this :(
  • Bring it back and people will start to complain about it again since people will abuse the function again.

    There is just no win out of this and it's sad to say but it's the truth.
  • I dont really care about kik vote in ffa or hm or hmx , simply because i dont play that modes, and for me ffa is the uglyiest mode posiblle, i dont like it at all.I used to play mm and hm before, and i have a few good mg for hm too and i use to have nice scores like 190/6 or something like that or even better in hm, and i liked that i got a lot of gp out from hm games,
    but i stopped to play hm because of glitchers, they just go under map and shoot u and u cant do anything about, or they glitch before mutation spreading and u have no chance to mutate them, and that was a long time before haking problem, when i quit hm mode.They didnt manage to solve glitching problem and now we have haking problem, even worse.
  • Pooyan wrote: »
    I hate having to explain simple things. If you think using your head for once, you'd realize you've blamed random stuff upon me that I never said. Yes I have stopped playing. I've been playing this game on and off since since closed beta. I've stopped playing now because I don't want to frustrate myself being a cow for hackers. But when hackers are eradicated, and if this game survives, I might start playing again. And at that time I don't want to regret having lost chances to get limited ribbons. If you still don't understand and want to make snide remarks, just tell me and I'll make this even simpler for you to understand. No hard feelings. :)

    Wow someone got a little butthurt right now, excuse me for pushing the right buttons I guess;)
    Pooyan wrote: »
    It's not my problem if everyone chooses to leave this game for good. I'm do not work for CF. I only play it because I find it entertaining. I've not spent years on this game to have a nice high rank, a nice collection of weapons and items. No. These things are like bonus to me. I'm not a collector. I'm not a farmer. I don't care if I have high rank or low rank. I've not "invested" any time or money in this game to have a "valuable" account in the end that I can auction off for millions of dollars. This game will shutdown within 5 years. Even less if things keep going on as they are. Consoles are gonna get cheaper and cheaper. High-end PC's are gonna get cheaper. PC's are gonna get more powerful than ever. Games are gonna become more immersive and realistic. The only niche this game in its current state might have in future is going to be super poor countries like Egypt and other African countries, where people can't afford high-end PCs or consoles.
    So you want everyone to spend a couple hours everyday in CF and put up with hackers only to keep the game running? Yeah, really bright idea you have here. No, we don't need ANY solution. SGW needs a solution. Do you work for SGW? No, you don't.

    So what you are saying pretty much resumes in something like ''I play casually so I don't care about this game or whatever happens to it or its community''. If that's the case, then why are you complaining about bringing back KVS if you don't even care about the game in the first place? If you are so mad about people kicking you out of games 'cause you 'too good' then step aside, leave the game for good. You already stated you couldn't care less about it, so why wait? Or idk play with a group of friends (if you have any) or maybe you could even try being nice for a change. Stop whining so much when someone disagrees with you and let the rest of us who actually want to keep playing this game make actual helpful statement so we can somehow support the community unlike you.

    I'm also not a collector, farmer nor too attached to ranks since VIPs came out just like you, but I still find it fun to play CF and I made a lot of friends that I don't want to leave aside if this game shuts down due to hackers. But thats just me, if you haven't had that kind of experience then sucks to be you, that outcome wouldn't be a surprise with the kind of attitude you have lmao

    Of course, the actual solution would be updating anti-cheat, but thats beyond our control, so get over it already. Theres nothing you or I can do about it so please move on. Probably they cant do much about it either since those kind of arrangements come with a long-lasting contract.

    You are right about one thing though, the way its going this game doesn't have much time left. Thats why we, people who care about CFNA, are propposing solutions even if they are not the absolute ones. Some of us actually want to keep spending time in this game for the fun of it. So if thats not your case then move on, leave the game. Go be a boy with a bad attitude in some other game and be as douchy as you want there, just don't get in the way of the rest that actually wants to be helpful to the community.
  • Bring it back and people will start to complain about it again since people will abuse the function again.

    There is just no win out of this and it's sad to say but it's the truth.

    People are always going to find something to complain about. Only after finding a problem is that we can make improvements.

    Well, as I said in some other thread and as controversial as it may sound; I'd rather having a few people getting kicked out of games than having hackers abusing the rest of the players for 12 whole minutes.
    Its not perfect and sometimes people are going to abuse it, but do you really want the hack wave to continue as it is? I certainly don't. Even if Z8 doesn't update anti-cheats any time soon, I'd like to at least have a way to defend myself from hackers ruining my game experience.

    winnnetou wrote: »
    I dont really care about kik vote in ffa or hm or hmx , simply because i dont play that modes, and for me ffa is the uglyiest mode posiblle, i dont like it at all.I used to play mm and hm before, and i have a few good mg for hm too and i use to have nice scores like 190/6 or something like that or even better in hm, and i liked that i got a lot of gp out from hm games,
    but i stopped to play hm because of glitchers, they just go under map and shoot u and u cant do anything about, or they glitch before mutation spreading and u have no chance to mutate them, and that was a long time before haking problem, when i quit hm mode.They didnt manage to solve glitching problem and now we have haking problem, even worse.

    Wouldn't it be nice to be able to play those modes you liked again? I like FFA a lot, its the way I warm up before S&D matches. But with all this speed knifers well, lets just say its not as productive as it may be.

    I play hmx once in a while even though I'm not a mm player, and its frustrating how hard it is to have the fun I had a couple years ago playing those modes now and its a shame because I got some cool guns that everytime I see them in my storage I say to myself 'these would be great for those hmx games'. Then I remember there's glitchers, blockers and speeders I can't kick 'cause there's no KVS in there anymore.

    Quitting modes you like because of hackers shouldn't be the solution you take to deal with the problem.
  • nelson28 wrote: »
    People are always going to find something to complain about. Only after finding a problem is that we can make improvements.

    Well, as I said in some other thread and as controversial as it may sound; I'd rather having a few people getting kicked out of games than having hackers abusing the rest of the players for 12 whole minutes.
    Its not perfect and sometimes people are going to abuse it, but do you really want the hack wave to continue as it is? I certainly don't. Even if Z8 doesn't update anti-cheats any time soon, I'd like to at least have a way to defend myself from hackers ruining my game experience.

    Wouldn't it be nice to be able to play those modes you liked again? I like FFA a lot, its the way I warm up before S&D matches. But with all this speed knifers well, lets just say its not as productive as it may be.

    I play hmx once in a while even though I'm not a mm player, and its frustrating how hard it is to have the fun I had a couple years ago playing those modes now and its a shame because I got some cool guns that everytime I see them in my storage I say to myself 'these would be great for those hmx games'. Then I remember there's glitchers, blockers and speeders I can't kick 'cause there's no KVS in there anymore.

    Quitting modes you like because of hackers shouldn't be the solution you take to deal with the problem.

    U discovered zm mode and how funny and relaxing is? And u also can listen music when u play zm mode if u want, and there are a lot of cool rewards, temp or perm guns or chars,
    and u even can get some ribbons from zm, just listen to me there is no haker in zm mode, or even if they enter they dont feel funny and leave fast, even without kvs.I am a zm player
    "from the time they introduced Like a Baws ribbon,andf i made my first 1000 clears in zm with guns like m4a1 silver or ak silver or ak gold, we didnt had guns like minimi gold or mg lm or even aa12 or p90, was much harder to win a zm map, than it is now.And i reached first 1000 zm clears years ago,and i have about 3400 clears on zm1, a few hundreds on zm2 and about 400 on zm3.Of course i dont think about games, im just considering normal or hard ones and on zm3 just nightmare.
  • you must play this modes by away or another because of events so feels bad man
  • nelson28 wrote: »
    People are always going to find something to complain about. Only after finding a problem is that we can make improvements.

    Well, as I said in some other thread and as controversial as it may sound; I'd rather having a few people getting kicked out of games than having hackers abusing the rest of the players for 12 whole minutes.
    Its not perfect and sometimes people are going to abuse it, but do you really want the hack wave to continue as it is? I certainly don't. Even if Z8 doesn't update anti-cheats any time soon, I'd like to at least have a way to defend myself from hackers ruining my game experience.


    Yeah that made sound good on paper but you are not going to be the only one being able to deal with it cause from my eyes it's pretty annoying when I get kicked for cleaning out in a FFA match cause I am just that good. I understand that it would be better for people to get kicked rather than to have a bunch of hackers being able to freely just cheat away but people are going to complain about it again and then it's going to take out then people are going to complain that they want it back it's just a big old loop.

    you must play this modes by away or another because of events so feels bad man

  • If you can not soon enable KVS, at least give more opportunity to report hacks on the page, I report daily only 5 as this is the limit allowed and I have about 15 pending hack reports per day.
  • What?
    I meant that event task requires to play this modes.So you will play for events
  • I meant that event task requires to play this modes.So you will play for events

    I wouldn't lol

    Even without the hackers ZM/HM/HMX are all terrible modes.
  • I understand that it would be better for people to get kicked rather than to have a bunch of hackers being able to freely just cheat away but people are going to complain about it again and then it's going to take out then people are going to complain that they want it back it's just a big old loop.

    Infinite loop is better than unstoppable hacking imo. I still feel its an appropiate solution for the issue (to date) and thats not even counting with the possibility of anti-cheat upgrades, which I hope happens someday and disrupts the aforemencioned loop.
    Yeah that may sound good on paper but you are not going to be the only one being able to deal with it cause from my eyes it's pretty annoying when I get kicked for cleaning out in a FFA match cause I am just that good.

    I know how annoying that can be. Thats why we are all cheering up for the Host-Enable Kick Vote On/Off option CamelSoldier suggested some time ago.
  • nelson28 wrote: »
    Wow someone got a little butthurt right now, excuse me for pushing the right buttons I guess;)

    So what you are saying pretty much resumes in something like ''I play casually so I don't care about this game or whatever happens to it or its community''. If that's the case, then why are you complaining about bringing back KVS if you don't even care about the game in the first place? If you are so mad about people kicking you out of games 'cause you 'too good' then step aside, leave the game for good. You already stated you couldn't care less about it, so why wait? Or idk play with a group of friends (if you have any) or maybe you could even try being nice for a change. Stop whining so much when someone disagrees with you and let the rest of us who actually want to keep playing this game make actual helpful statement so we can somehow support the community unlike you.

    I'm also not a collector, farmer nor too attached to ranks since VIPs came out just like you, but I still find it fun to play CF and I made a lot of friends that I don't want to leave aside if this game shuts down due to hackers. But thats just me, if you haven't had that kind of experience then sucks to be you, that outcome wouldn't be a surprise with the kind of attitude you have lmao

    Of course, the actual solution would be updating anti-cheat, but thats beyond our control, so get over it already. Theres nothing you or I can do about it so please move on. Probably they cant do much about it either since those kind of arrangements come with a long-lasting contract.

    You are right about one thing though, the way its going this game doesn't have much time left. Thats why we, people who care about CFNA, are propposing solutions even if they are not the absolute ones. Some of us actually want to keep spending time in this game for the fun of it. So if thats not your case then move on, leave the game. Go be a boy with a bad attitude in some other game and be as douchy as you want there, just don't get in the way of the rest that actually wants to be helpful to the community.

    Okay. You just re-typed everything I already clarified about in my previous post.
  • +1 for " we need KVS back to the other modes "
  • +1 should the kick vote back to HM,HMX,MM without free for all
    • IGN Ezio
  • I wouldn't lol

    Even without the hackers ZM/HM/HMX are all terrible modes.

    u miss FFA, king mode, sheep mode.... btw i hope KVS come back, +1
