Add alt tab windows 10.

Hey z8,
Not sure if you're aware of this but one of the most basic and universal windows functions is being blocked by crossfire, im talking about alt+tab.
I have no idea how every single game and app I have ever used in my life has the ability to atl+tab to the desktop and back again yet this billion dollar game can't. But that aside, please forward this to the devs. Its only an issue on windows 10, works fine on 7.

Please +1 so this thread doesnt die off the first day Ty.

Edit: To add a little info, it does work when in channel or lobby, but not when in a match.
Ctrl+alt+del does let you open task manager but crossfire immediatly forces itself over it.


  • Yep I don't know why either cause I swear it was fine before 2.0 came through... +1
  • Yep I don't know why either cause I swear it was fine before 2.0 came through... +1

    I had problems with win10 and alt tabbing in CF ever since I downloaded it :(
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    I had problems with win10 and alt tabbing in CF ever since I downloaded it :(

    Same. It has been an issue since windows 10 was released.
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    I had problems with win10 and alt tabbing in CF ever since I downloaded it :(

    Hmmm maybe it was that then cause I only started playing 2.0 once I got WIndows 10.
  • Z8 don t want you to change tabsm at another words you need to stay their game lol
  • As soon as you click join/start, alt tab. After your mouse gets stuck on the middle of the screen, alttab back to the game and you will be able to alt tab normal.
  • honestly. My tabbing with CF works better with my win10 laptop than it did/does with my old win7 one. On my win7 it'd also tab out...but instantly CF would come back up but would be a black screen for a bit. Sometimes it'd freak out and keep minimizing and re-opening. And a fair amount of the time CF would crash attempting to tab out of it to something else. With my newer win10 it'll let me tab out with ease in lobbies but in-game it can be a bit of an issue if I don't start the tabbing process during/right as it begins to load into a match.

    I mean...i'd love for them to address the issue and make it work fluidly regardless though.
  • I removed Windows 10 lol as it sometimes freeze white screen not responding sometimes when trying to Alt and Tab. As for Windows 7, it lets you use Tab sometimes but as Ixith said it does play up and close game some cases. Although the game it self randomly closes sometimes before the result page regardless Tab issue or not.

    So I am for a permanent solution to both Window formats +1 but I prefer hacking issue dealt with Asap first.
  • It's by no means a solution, but having 2 screens does let you alt-tab correctly.
  • When loading, at 45%, alt-tab game once and wait for it to load, once you're in game, you can tab back to game and alt-tab all you want during that game. When joining another game, just repeat same thing. It is kinda annoying at first, but once you get used to it, it's gonna be a routine.

    Had to downgrade to Win 8.1 for something else I use, but I used to have Windows 10 and it worked just fine doing this^

    It's by no means a solution, but having 2 screens does let you alt-tab correctly.

    Having 2 screens causes more issues then actual alt-tabbing. If you flick in a direction your second screen is, for some reason, mouse goes to another screen making your game switch to web browser or whatever you have open on your screen and getting you killed xD
  • NeoDaPro wrote: »
    When loading, at 45%, alt-tab game once and wait for it to load, once you're in game, you can tab back to game and alt-tab all you want during that game. When joining another game, just repeat same thing. It is kinda annoying at first, but once you get used to it, it's gonna be a routine.

    Had to downgrade to Win 8.1 for something else I use, but I used to have Windows 10 and it worked just fine doing this^

    Having 2 screens causes more issues then actual alt-tabbing. If you flick in a direction your second screen is, for some reason, mouse goes to another screen making your game switch to web browser or whatever you have open on your screen and getting you killed xD

    Mine doesn't :P
  • Try to press ecs first befor alt+tab. It wont help with win10 but allows free mouse if switching works
  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    As soon as you click join/start, alt tab. After your mouse gets stuck on the middle of the screen, alttab back to the game and you will be able to alt tab normal.

    Wow this one actually worked. thanks m8

    But in the end alt tab in this game is totally broken and the big majority of win10 users arent able to alt tab like they used to in previous windows versions.

    I posted this in the suggestion section because it seems like z8 doesnt see this as a bug so I figured I'd just suggest this as a new "feature".
    So again, please forward to the devs. Alt tabbing right after joining a match 'just in case' is a pain in the ass.
  • nGhost wrote: »
    Wow this one actually worked. thanks m8

    But in the end alt tab in this game is totally broken and the big majority of win10 users arent able to alt tab like they used to in previous windows versions.

    I posted this in the suggestion section because it seems like z8 doesnt see this as a bug so I figured I'd just suggest this as a new "feature".
    So again, please forward to the devs. Alt tabbing right after joining a match 'just in case' is a pain in the ass.

    No problem. And you're probably gonna get used to it. I did.
  • How to Alt-Tab on Windows 10 using two Desktops

    I meant to post my solution a few days ago, but I kinda forgot:rolleyes:

    So I wanted to share how I passed through the alt+tab issue on windows 10 with you, I don't know if someone already posted this solution but check if this works for you.

    The way I sorted this out was using two Windows 10 desktops, you just have to open CF on say desktop 1 and whenever you want to go navigate on a web browser or check anything else you just go and switch to desktop 2. Its as simple as that (The only downside is that if you are in lobby, you'll get a lower res than the one on windows but I kinda got used to it, its not a big deal if it allows you to alt-tab.)

    I haven't found any lag caused by having two windows desktops while playing CF. And I don't have to be aware of alt-tabbing on every game start so that's a plus imo!;)

    Now, if you want to try this, here are the steps:

    1)Make sure the Task View Button on your Taskbar is visible (Right click on Taskbar>Show Task View Button).
    2)Click the Task view button near Windows logo. You'll get a screen with all your currently open programs sorted out.
    3)Click on the New Desktop button down on the right corner of your screen. It has a plus icon on it.
    4)Open CF on desktop 2 and have everything else on desktop 1.
    5)Make sure the Task Manager is open on the same desktop as CF (Or open it while playing, you just need something to alt-tab to, could be any other app)
    6)Whenever you want to switch to the other desktop (The one with the rest of your apps) while in-game, [Press Alt + Tab.] You'll lose control of your crosshair and now you'll be handling the Task Manager instead while CF is still on the background of your screen.
    7)Now [Press CTRL KEY + WINDOWS KEY + LEFT ARROW.] You'll switch between desktops effectively.
    8)When its time to go back into game, [Press CTRL KEY + WINDOWS KEY + RIGHT ARROW.] Click so you get control of the game once again.
    9)Enjoy alt+tabbing on Windows 10:D

    Thats it, you can now properly alt-tab the way I do it without having to preventively alt-tab on each loading screen. You can even have some apps showing on both desktops out of convenience (I have this for Windows media player and Task Manager in case of crashes and freezes).

    Hope this helps someone struggling to alt-tab on Windows 10 :p

    PS: DO NOT HAVE CF SHOWING ON BOTH DESKTOPS. That would defeat the purpose of having two desktops on the first place (and would get you stucked on CF screen until closure, yay!)