33 games of legend bot mode.

A possible way of doing this mode more easily is to:
a. Select TDM ship as the map
b. The non-bot team must be BL.
c. The mode must be melee only
You're probably wondering why melee only and why the BL team for us players? Well once you directly leave the bl base there is a double stack of wooden boxes right near the center. Have someone on top of those boxes and let that person get the attention of the bots. Then pick off the distracted bots while being careful not to get too close. Rinse and repeat. This worked a few months ago even with other newbies in the room but currently I am a bit busy so I cannot test it out right away. So, to anyone having difficulty doing this bot mode, could anyone please confirm?
P.S. this could probably also be done in Aquarium map by jumping to a spot that is on the left of the spawn area for both sides.
