New Zombie Mode

Hey everyone,

As you know, we've got 3 types of ZM. ZM, ZM2, and ZM3. So I came up with this idea of creating a new ZM. This idea is inspired by the Weapon Master Mode. You automatically change to another weapon every time you get 2 (?) kills.

This mode would be a 32 round game (2 rounds being special rounds) that would change your weapon depending on which round you are. Could start with a Pistol since first rounds are always easy, move on to Shotguns, Rifles, SMGs, and end up with MGs. You could stack up on weapon power %, armor and have an item (turret, claymore, or drone) to help you throughout the harder rounds and the boss round.

Change weapons every round:

- Every round we would get a slightly better weapon and a bigger wave of Zombies.

Use the points we get to buy items or upgrade some items:

- We could make our weapons more powerful.
- Run slightly faster.
- Buy a Sentry gun, Claymore, or a Drone.
- Extra Armor.


- Get a box every 5 rounds.
- Get a special box on the special round. Higher chance to earn permanent items.

Boxes earned. Different weapons I'd like to see in the boxes. (With their different skins, of course)

- STEYR AUG (Temporary)

- AN94 (Temporary)

- R93T2 (Temporary)

- MAUSER M1896 (Temporary)


- Broken Kukri (Permanent)

- GRENADE (Permanent)

Char Items. (Only works on ZM):

- Damage Reduction Items.
- Fall Damage Reduction

And that's all I have to suggest. If you have better ideas that would make the suggestion good or better feel free to reply saying them. :)
