The Artsy-Fartsy Giveaway (Coming to a Forum near you!)

Greetings, CF brethren!

To Help take your minds off this recent hacking wave,
it's time for a Giveaway!

This Giveaway is for 50k ZP


Firstly, thank you to all the people who participated

Each person was allotted a certain amount of tickets for their artwork, and each of those tickets had a "virtual" number attached to it. Although I will keep the overall ranks anonymous, there are 54 tickets overall :)

The winner is..........

TheShadowRO !!!




Number 24 was one of the tickets assigned to TheShadowRO :)

Congratulations again to everyone, in my eyes you are all winners!

Application Deadline:

  • [FONT=&amp]Giveaway shall run from post date until November 2, 2017 at 4:13pm EST[/FONT]
Applicant Requirements:

To apply for this event, you must meet all the following criteria:

  1. Post count over 80 posts
  2. Possess an "Honorable Soldier" ribbon (this thing ---> ribbon_0023.jpg)
  3. You must have picked your nose at least ONCE in your life

How to Apply

[*]Write your IGN (ex. IGN: Rick)
[*]Put the link to your profile (ex. Profile: Morty)
[*]Scratch your butt
[*]Upload a digital painting/drawing of something CF related*

Thats it!
*see below for artwork rules

ARTWORK RULES! (and so does the Queen)

[*]Artwork MUST be drawn in Paint
[*]Artwork MUST be CF related in some way

[*]Mac/Apple product owners may use any program that has the same limitations as Paint
[*]Artwork must be created by the person entering this giveaway.

[*]Only ONE artwork piece is allowed

If you can incorporate a seal (this thing ---> pFTwxbVVdRJkmsx-128x128-noPad.jpg?1481781474) into your artwork, you will get Bonus Points**!!
**See below for details on Bonus Points

Winning Process:

  • I shall act as sole judge, moderator, arbitrator, and king in choosing the winner
  • The entries will be organized into a list based on how much I like your artwork
    • ​First on the list will receive x amount of tickets
    • Second on the list will receive x-1 amount of tickets
    • Third on the list will receive x-2 amount of tickets
    • Etc.
    • This will continue until last place on the list with a grand total of 1 ticket
  • Each ticket will be assigned a specific number. The total number of tickets will be taken as sum(x-n) with n changing linearly based on list order
  • I will use a Random Number Generator to pick a number. This number will correspond to ONE of the tickets. The owner of that ticket will win.

Any and all complaining or grumbling about the excessive complexity of this giveaway is grounds for immediate disqualification.

Bonus Points:
Bonus Points are completely arbitrary points I assign based on how much I like your artwork. 1 Bonus Point is roughly equal to a full-sized Snickers. Bonus Points can accumulate over time. Bonus Points (hereon out referred to as BP) are in no way related to any official Crossfire point system, both now and in the future. BP are subject to inflation when I'm feeling tired. BP cannot be transferred or carried over to another giveaway. BP is not for sale unless otherwise noted. I will sell you BP at the rate of 3.8 cubits for 20$. Any and all disagreements and/or complaints concerning BP transactions may be forwarded to bp_support@bonus.points.
