High-Tier/Late Game GP items

Me, like many other people have a gross excess of gp from zp crates, from participating in events, having ancient accounts, or otherwise, and have spun and won every single gp crate gun they could ever want with it. So I suggest implementing some High-Tier gp items, say, somewhere in the 200,000+ range with a high rank prerequisite so new accounts cant just save up their rankup gp and cop one. This'll also give long term players like myself who play the game religiously some sort of endgame content to save up for.

To preface this, I will say that I have paid for and won a Noble Beast weapon myself so I understand the flack i'm probably about to get, but I suggest adding the Noble Beast weapons as Uber Top tier GP items, like 500,000+ gp as a ballpark estimate, the gms can tweak that how they may and have the rank prerequisite as high as they will, but it seems fair to me given hey, If you've played the game and grinded for this long to reach late game point x, you deserve /something/, the whales can buy the full versions with the perks any time they want anyways. And it'll shut up the players that call the game pay to win since they can no longer complain about all the "good guns" being behind a premium currency paywall. But it's just a suggestion...

Other suggestions I have for this now that I'm done talking out my shamelessly half-entitled a*s are retired zp crate guns that are out of circulation but are in some way handed out to f2p players anyways, like the vanilla ak scope(I know this hasnt been handed out but I lost my main acc with it so a man can dream), kriss, and m4 custom, etc. And vanilla versions of zp crate guns that were introduced into the black market initially with a camo or skin.

I'm done rambling, sorry about the terrible formatting and grammar, It might be my first(and only) language but i'm an awful writer. Leave some other, better, more balanced suggestions in the replies because i know you guys have them.


  • It'd be cool to see base ZP weapons be sold as GP weapons for sure, as their ZP RENT ONLY price has generally made them insanely unpopular to use. Heck, I rented a Bushmaster ACR from the Item Shop once and people thought it was some sort of new weapon.

    Still, for weapons like that, I'd agree. High price and rank for these weapons would be cool.
  • x[s]toner wrote: »
    I suggest adding the Noble Beast weapons as Uber Top tier GP items, like 500,000+ gp

    -1 for this part. Noble weapons should NOT be GP, and 500k GP is nothing. People have spent hundreds of dollars on these weapons and you want to hand them out for pocket change?
    Besides, people are just going to farm the GP/rank in a few weeks, and those people certainly haven't earned anything.

    For ZP guns since others have paid for them I don't think they should be given permanently for GP. I don't own any of the old perm ZP weapons, but I would be annoyed if something that old and (semi) rare was given out for GP.

    The items from the item shop that you can rent for ZP that AREN'T permanent weapons from crates? I wouldn't mind that.

    Also I wouldn't mind seeing slightly altered (visually) versions of old ZP weapons for GP, just so people can tell the difference.
    Maybe an M4 Silver that's slightly scratched up, maybe an AK Scope with a damaged stock, etc.

    Things that don't impact the gun itself, but make it different from the version people paid for.

    All that aside, why not add some new unique weapons for high-tier players?