New Grenade skins

I'm going to suggest a few...choice....grenade skins for the GMs to forward to the Devs and make happen....

they follows...

-Tomato Grenade! In honor of our very own [GM]Tomato of course! Should look like a tomato and when it blows up it should have a red tomato like background with the word "SPLAT!" shown.
*BONUS for the Tomato Grenade! a fun extra mode similar to the Throwing Axe TDM but instead of axes players get equipped with Tomatoes (would use same visual as the tomato grenade when in hand). Players would then throw these tomatoes to do roughly 20 damage a hit. Splattering sounds should be made when the tomato hits an object or player. On top of that a HS hit should do 50+ damage and should cause a visual effect similar to the Flash Bang but instead of white it should be a red color for a very short time.

-Rubber Ducky grenade. Used especially for throwing at [GM]Effects. Should make a quacking sound when you draw it, throw it, and series of quacks when it explodes with perhaps a duck animation coming from the explosion.
**Can make a new GM Flash event with this where we need to kill GM Effects with the Rubber Ducky Grenade. Upon doing so the players that killed him with it should get a prize.

-More? Maybe? Eventually?

figured a quick fun suggestion wouldn't hurt!
