A Solution to HACKERS

After thinking carefully about the current hacking situation. I came up with 4 suggestions as a counter attack.

My FIRST suggestion is to stop the registration process ASAP. Halt the registration for unknown period of time. Let me tell you the reason behind this move. This will push the hackers into the corner. They will have less options to consider. However, this move wouldn’t be effective without stringent and robust reporting system.

Reporting system should be improved to cope up with the modern world. The faster the reporting system is the quicker we get rid of hackers as they will not be able to cheat with new accounts in case of cancellation of registration. This will automatically result into the EXTINCTION of the hackers after some time.

My SECOND suggestion is related with the first one. After stopping the registration, try to introduce some kind of event to increase the awareness of reporting. Let’s say make an event that would give 30 EPs to every player who reports the hacker. This will help to get rid of hackers quickly. However, it will increase the risk of massive amount of false reports. To counter it, a limit of 10 reports per day per user should be made. Mentioning of the “time of hacking occurred” should be made compulsory in the hack reporting system. Any deliberately misleading hacking report or spamming of reports should be declared as a bannable offence (not a permanent one though).

However, I would say it again that all of it depends upon reporting system. It will not be an effective move if the current reporting system stays the same.

My THIRD suggestion is to replace the current anti cheat software with the new one let’s say replace it with the CF china’s anti cheat. Hackers can’t hack without bypassing the anti-cheat. The current wave of hackers is a proof that they are able to bypass current anti cheat without much difficulty. It is not so difficult to fix or patch even current anti-cheat after looking at the hacking videos of YT and a well-known hacking website to think of a possible patch against their bypassing software.

My last suggestion is the easiest and fastest of all.
Are you too lazy to update or replace anti-cheat?
Do you not want to improve the reporting system?
Are you tired of watching “boring” replays and you don’t want to see any of it? If your answer is yes then don’t worry You can still try this solution to get rid of hackers.

Just follow these steps:

- The quickest way to find out who is hacking and who is not is to look at the record of all players who played last two weeks*.

*Note: If you don’t want to look at the records of past 6 months of all players then just use the data of last two weeks.

- For TD, FFA and S&D modes, Filter the players who have the insane KDR in these past two weeks like 900 kills with 10 or 15 deaths.
- For Mutant related modes, Filter the players who have the insane scores in HM or HMX e.g. 200/1 or 400/3

STEP 3 (For TDM, FFA and S & D modes):
- As there is a chance that some legitimate players may also get filtered out because of farming try to dig more into the data of these players. Out of these filtered-out players, try to find the players whose last 2 week’s kills mainly or entirely consists of knife kills. As 1 hit knife hack is a current hot hack among hackers this will expose the black sheep out of the flock.

STEP 3 (For HM, HMX and MM):
- As there is a chance that some legitimate players may also get filtered-out try to dig more into the data of these players. Compare the score of each filtered-out player with that of other players who played with him in that room. If the difference between their scores is found to be too large then find out whether it was just a single case or he continuously scored extremely higher than the rest of the players in all of the games he played in last 2 weeks.

STEP 4 (For TDM, FFA and S & D modes):
- Reverse the step 2 and 3. I mean filter out the players whose knife kills make up a significant portion of their total amount of kills in these 2 past weeks. Look at the K/D of these players and filter out the players with insane or unrealistic KDR. The purpose of Step 4 is to rule out the possibility of hackers not getting caught by first 3 steps.

STEP 4 (For HM, HMX and MM)
There is a chance that two or more hackers might have played in a single room. Therefore, it will be hard to trace the hackers by using the abovementioned technique. In this case, if you have access to the “mutant kills” record of the players then try to find out the players with extremely high mutant kills record.

- Drop the almighty ban hammer on these ugly hackers!

Keep repeating these steps after every 2 weeks or any specified period of time.

These are mere suggestions so treat them accordingly. Thank you!


  • Sure, as long as we don't call it "The Final Solution".
  • stop the registration process ASAP
    That certainly would stop cheaters from creating new accounts when they get banned. It also stops the flow of what little to no new players coming in. Crossfire's player base is dropping and is no longer as it use to be. This suggestion feels like a rather desperate attempt. I don't think the GMs will approve of this change.

    After stopping the registration, try to introduce some kind of event to increase the awareness of reporting.
    The community grouping together to hunt down cheaters, doesn't sound very feasible. I know that you acknowledge the fact that there could be false reports. Sounds like this could work, only if the first one was to be implemented which sounds rather difficult to happen.

    replace the current anti cheat software with the new one let’s say replace it with the CF china’s anti cheat
    The chance of that happening seems rather low. If they could get a useful anti-cheat system in the first place, they would've already done so. But for some unknown reason, I don't think CF China is going to give up their anti-cheat system to CF NA.

    Looking through the records and filtering out the cheaters
    Pretty risky, requires a lot of comparisons between players. Done every 2 weeks is kinda slow in my opinion. The GMs going undercover works faster than this I believe. This suggestion uses a rather risky algorithm to check for cheaters. It can be considered as flawed as youtube's video flagging algorithm, meaning that it might ban a legit player in the process by accident.

    I like the 2nd suggestion out of all the others, although it does come with some possible flaws, but the probability of it getting implemented is rather minuscule.
  • stop the registration process ASAP
    That certainly would stop cheaters from creating new accounts when they get banned. It also stops the flow of what little to no new players coming in. Crossfire's player base is dropping and is no longer as it use to be. This suggestion feels like a rather desperate attempt. I don't think the GMs will approve of this change.
    With the amount of hackers roaming in this game, I don't think that new players would like to stay. Withdrawal of registration process is the best move against hackers. CF's player base is indeed dropping but the real question is why are they leaving this game?
    Answer is simple: Due to friggin hackers. It all comes down to the same thing. It's not a rocket science. Your argument is self contradictory. What is the benefit of gaining new players when the issues that made old player base leave the game are still present?

    Currently hackers are fearless. They know that they can hack with their alts even if their current accounts gets banned.
    After stopping the registration, try to introduce some kind of event to increase the awareness of reporting.
    The community grouping together to hunt down cheaters, doesn't sound very feasible. I know that you acknowledge the fact that there could be false reports. Sounds like this could work, only if the first one was to be implemented which sounds rather difficult to happen.
    2nd suggestion was just a part of my 1st suggestion.
    replace the current anti cheat software with the new one let’s say replace it with the CF china’s anti cheat
    The chance of that happening seems rather low. If they could get a useful anti-cheat system in the first place, they would've already done so. But for some unknown reason, I don't think CF China is going to give up their anti-cheat system to CF NA.
    They replaced the X-Trap (old anti-cheat) with the Xigncode (new anti-cheat) when they became aware of the fact that X-Trap was useless. They can do the same thing again by replacing the Xigncode with some useful anti-cheat software.
    Looking through the records and filtering out the cheaters
    Pretty risky, requires a lot of comparisons between players. Done every 2 weeks is kinda slow in my opinion. The GMs going undercover works faster than this I believe. This suggestion uses a rather risky algorithm to check for cheaters. It can be considered as flawed as youtube's video flagging algorithm, meaning that it might ban a legit player in the process by accident.
    I already wrote the possible risks involved with this suggestion as well as their solutions. I already mentioned that they can use any specific period of time. I used 2 weeks as an example. I agree with you that it will be a risky approach.
  • Best solution : the Service is not available in middle east Region.
  • egypig wrote: »
    Best solution : the Service is not available in middle east Region.

    Keep dreaming, German :)
  • tremendously impressive suggestion �� but AK what it lacks is real application for it, unfortunately .
  • To me 3 solutions only.
    A) Banned accounts no more new creation, meaning ip/mac/hwid block.
    B) No more new accounts creation until hack situation resolved.
    C) My favorite, Ban all ME.
  • cvh16 wrote: »
    C) My favorite, Ban all ME.

    But if they ban "all YOU" then you can't play ;P
  • Keep dreaming, German :)

    Where are those UK servers at tho?


    Tbh I'll take any suggestion for the hacking problems cause at this point anything is better than our anti-cheat.
  • Where are those UK servers at tho?


    Tbh I'll take any suggestion for the hacking problems cause at this point anything is better than our anti-cheat.

    ok give me my money and ban me plz .