lft cause yeah [uk]
ign: RealJGK
look for any team tbh just needs to play in the UK.
i got:
a mouth
english speaking skills
smart movement
usually like playing sniper but i am not mad to switch to the rifles if someone else wants to go out as the sniper plus ill pretty much do anything in the match if you keep the headsup on how it works ( if I don't know what you're on about )
but i may need a bit of help on the callouts of maps except blackwidow ( since its just de_dust 2 ) since ive completed forgotten everything except A long/short and B long/short
i dont have much time on thursdays but other than that i can get on and on fri sats suns mons im free so im up to play on them days all the time unless im doing something else.
so yeah I think that's all I got say about myself just inform here or ingame if you see me about the team and ill probably accept the first given offer since i'll probably won't get another.
oh and im 16 cause I know theres some people out very strict on their ages for some reason so yeah... im a kid i guess.
look for any team tbh just needs to play in the UK.
i got:
a mouth
english speaking skills
smart movement
usually like playing sniper but i am not mad to switch to the rifles if someone else wants to go out as the sniper plus ill pretty much do anything in the match if you keep the headsup on how it works ( if I don't know what you're on about )
but i may need a bit of help on the callouts of maps except blackwidow ( since its just de_dust 2 ) since ive completed forgotten everything except A long/short and B long/short
i dont have much time on thursdays but other than that i can get on and on fri sats suns mons im free so im up to play on them days all the time unless im doing something else.
so yeah I think that's all I got say about myself just inform here or ingame if you see me about the team and ill probably accept the first given offer since i'll probably won't get another.
oh and im 16 cause I know theres some people out very strict on their ages for some reason so yeah... im a kid i guess.
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