Winter Is Coming! How about Real Winter Maps "Weathers" more suitable Decembers +1

Winter is Coming! Battle Is Near!

I am not computer savvy as you can see [Basic Paint tool :D ] lol but just an illustration of possible map changes during december patch would be cool. Rather than plain old Xmas maps without snow fall. With real Programming and Map editing these could possibly be good maps and refreshing. +1 if you think so.





Eagle Eye would also be nice with snow fall :D


  • I don't think this will ever happen but still...

    Issa +1 from me.

    Another game I play does that. During December, the whole map is covered in snow.
  • Probably a bit too much effort to do snow makeovers on multiple maps when they could just give us the Usual Christmas Map.

    Thinking about it, we actually do have a decent amount of Snowy Maps.

    Alaska, that Wave Mode Map, that Knife Map, the Suppression Mode Map and that other TD Map.
  • The problem with adding the snow coverage and probably the snow fall animations on the maps is that you're in effect creating another version of those maps a version B if you will. And those have to be created, tested to work, and then set to be enabled for the winter months one patch and then removed. While I think at the very least the snow fall animation would be also have to take into consideration the snow fall animation would put more stress on people's computers and since a large portion of our player base plays on potatos and the servers are already would probably be bad for a lot of players and matches. Although if the texture files themselves were slightly edited they could manage something along the lines on existing maps pretty quickly as it'd just be a change in the texture do that and make things look good is another story...

    That being said the general idea of adding Snowy/Xmas/seasonal things into the game would be awesome. IN FACT....I remember when I first started playing the Mutation supply boxes were temporarily changed around Xmas to have an a different skin on them that kind of represented the red xmas skin weapons and was a bit like wrapping paper on the boxes. It would be cool to see that happen at the least and maybe banners and signs through out the maps updated to reflect the seasons or holidays which is possible through the texture file editing I mentioned earlier and has already been seen done a few times...example being....some months back they changed a lot of the signs/banners in maps to show the stdx team members or whatever.

    At the very least...we better get a nice event this winter that involves playing snowy maps. ;) (though not too many games on that Wave map please. lmao)

    EDIT: Another thing i'd like to say'd be GREAT if that Holiday Xmas/Halloween map could have a 2.0 version of it that expands a bit from the bases with a route that gives access to each of the Santa/Skull heads on the map and lets you snipe/shoot out of the Eyes/Mouth areas. always thought that'd be cool especially on the Halloween version....
  • I have another idea but i will post it here.What if instead of changing mapa to look like in winter
    they would give prises for playing the maps that are already winter themed, like wave map arctic base,
    lets say 50 ep every time u play that map all winter long.
    Camel , i know u smart, get this words " winter themed maps", " ep" ,"event", " all winter long"
    and maybe u combine them for something good.
  • winnnetou wrote: »
    I have another idea but i will post it here.What if instead of changing mapa to look like in winter
    they would give prises for playing the maps that are already winter themed, like wave map arctic base,
    lets say 50 ep every time u play that map all winter long.
    Camel , i know u smart, get this words " winter themed maps", " ep" ,"event", " all winter long"
    and maybe u combine them for something good.

    if they did that there would have to be a daily limit on amount of EP you can make from it as otherwise people would farm it all day in locked rooms and it'd be the HS event all over. Not a bad idea though.
  • Oh I'd really like to see some snowfall on Eagle Eye.
  • I'd personally kill for a 2.0 rendition of that Christmas Themed CrossFire UI we had once in what, 2011?
  • M1600wner wrote: »
    I'd personally kill for a 2.0 rendition of that Christmas Themed CrossFire UI we had once in what, 2011?

    Oh that blue icy thing? I liked that one.