Arms of Fire

I checked with support and they said the Glorious Phoenix set doesn't currently count for this ribbon. And to be honest I don't see why it shouldn't. It fits the requirements after all, it's just new.

My suggestion is that the glorious phoenix set applies.


  • Well, it does indeed say
    You own 5 permanent and unique HellFire, Flame, Magma or Phoenix weapons.

    So yeah, it'd be quite nice of em' if they made the Glorious Phoenix Stuff count.
  • Obviously the ribbon is for the non-glorious Phoenixeses
    If it's too glorious, it's out..
    +1 for the suggestion. Glorious or not, phoenix demands equality..
  • Lol I feel like I'm not gonna get much support for this because most people don't even have glorious phoenix weapons >.<
    Suggestions only get support if they apply to everyone.
  • I'm fine with the Glorious Phoenix counting. The name Phoenix is in it after all so it'd expand the weapons available for it AND it'd avoid future confusion.
    Though there is still questions on if the Golden Phoenix stuff (Armsel, M14EBR, and M249) count for the Ribbon or not as well. so Perhaps all of it could be included at once if not already and WHILE updating that list of weapons they could have the person who does it grab a list of all weapons that do count for it and make an official list. Doesn't seem like that should be something that would take too much time or effort really. =/
  • Ixith wrote: »
    I'm fine with the Glorious Phoenix counting. The name Phoenix is in it after all so it'd expand the weapons available for it AND it'd avoid future confusion.
    Though there is still questions on if the Golden Phoenix stuff (Armsel, M14EBR, and M249) count for the Ribbon or not as well. so Perhaps all of it could be included at once if not already and WHILE updating that list of weapons they could have the person who does it grab a list of all weapons that do count for it and make an official list. Doesn't seem like that should be something that would take too much time or effort really. =/

    +1 I don't see why those shouldn't count either. As long as the gun represents a phoenix in some sort of way it should apply no?
  • From another topic..
    ghoster1 wrote: »
    What if it says zero and you already have them lmao.
    iDupree_ wrote: »
    Report it. ._.
    ghoster1 wrote: »
    I have them so it's ok.

    Then you say..
    ghoster1 wrote: »
    Lol I feel like I'm not gonna get much support for this because most people don't even have glorious phoenix weapons >.<
    Suggestions only get support if they apply to everyone.
    smh.. seems fair! My precious +1 though! :eek:
  • +1 and an updated list of weapons would help.
  • +1 and an updated list of weapons would help.
    I'm pretty sure with all the activities around ribbons lately I'm sure it's on their to-do list. You and me both are looking forward to seeing one! I'll work on an unofficial one this weekend, though.

    +1 I wouldn't mind the glorious phoenix counting, but I can also see why it's not counted. I haven't seen too many phoenix weapons, but I think they all have a fire-themed skin. The glorious phoenix just has golden skin, not very reflective of fire for an "Arms of Fire" ribbon.