cant start the game
When reinstalling the game, please try to follow these steps:
- Control Panel -> Z8Games -> CrossFire -> Uninstall CrossFire.
- Open Up My Computer.
- Delete the CF directory (Program Files/Z8Games/CrossFire/).
- Delete the CF directory (/Document/CrossFire/) (Make sure you backup any screenshots or replays you may have before doing this).
- Disable your anti virus.
- Download the newest client from our downloads site.
- Install the game from the new download.
- Add the entire crossfire folder to your antivirus exceptions.
- Re-enable realtime protection.
- Start CrossFire as Admin.
Hope it works for you. -
Can you post your PC specs here?
Are u running CF in compatibility mode?
Or do you have anything running next to CF, like a virus protection program or something that might scan (and possibly modify) the binary headers?
1. what specs you want to know? if its the windows, its 8.1
2. Nope
3. Steam , TS3, Avira is running ( but not realtime scanning as able said)Try running the game as Admin from the from the CrossFire folder?
already tried
had that problem back in the days too, but it was fixed with reinstalling. dunno why it isnt working now -
Uninstall the game. Delete Z8games folder in C:\Program Files(x86). Open the folder C:\Windows\Prefetch and delete everything inside. Open the folder C:\Users\YOURNAME\Local\Temp and delete everything inside. If it says some files' can't be deleted, just skip them. Restart your PC and install the game.
Uninstall the game. Delete Z8games folder in C:\Program Files(x86). Open the folder C:\Windows\Prefetch and delete everything inside. Open the folder C:\Users\YOURNAME\Local\Temp and delete everything inside. If it says some files' can't be deleted, just skip them. Restart your PC and install the game.
tryin this, tyI dont know what u guys do with ur pc, but mine is just for surf on the internet.
cleaning my dishes , making food , repairing my car..... doing everything with my pc ...
tbh like im not doing same . just gaming and surfing
so its not on me. last patches went down without any problems. and im not the only one with this problem -
So first of you have to go to the crossfire folder.
At the bottom of the folder you find the file "version".
Rightclick it and remove the "read-only" checkmark.
after it you open the "version file" and safe it at the desktop.
after it you delete the version file out of your crossfire folder.
then you open up the version file on your desktop and change the LatestVersion from 1282 to 1283 and safe it.
after it you should put the "read-only" checkmark back on it.
you put the version file back to the crossfire folder and close it.
after it you should run CrossFire as Admin and the game should start patch and work perfectly fine afterwards.
Kindest Regards. -
KinqCF2001 wrote: »So first of you have to go to the crossfire folder.
At the bottom of the folder you find the file "version".
Rightclick it and remove the "read-only" checkmark.
after it you open the "version file" and safe it at the desktop.
after it you delete the version file out of your crossfire folder.
then you open up the version file on your desktop and change the LatestVersion from 1282 to 1283 and safe it.
after it you should put the "read-only" checkmark back on it.
you put the version file back to the crossfire folder and close it.
after it you should run CrossFire as Admin and the game should start patch and work perfectly fine afterwards.
Kindest Regards.
This worked, thanks
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