Cellphone Verification

Heya, what do you fellas think about adding Cellphone Verifications to Accounts? ...With a twist, I suppose.

Think of it much like the Prime Status in CS:GO. When verified, you can choose an option on Room Creation which disallows non-verified accounts to play with Verified ones in the same room, essentially crippling a majority of the Hackers.

So, the bullet points would be thus.

[size=+1]- A single Number can only be used on a single account simultaneously, should that account get banned, said number is banned as well.
- Accounts which aren't banned have the ability to change their Number every 90 Days.
- The old number then has a Cooldown of 90 Days before it can be used again.
- When verifying, you'd require a Confirmation Code, to stop people from using fake numbers.
- A 3 Day Cooldown before the Verified Status goes into effect, grinding the creation of new Accounts to a halt.
- It also could be used as an Authenticator, although having to type in a Code whenever you log-in might just be overkill.[/size]

So basically, legit members of the Community only would have to wait 3 Days before the wheat gets separated from the Chaff, while Cheaters would have a rather hard time getting to play in verified rooms, where I'd imagine the legit playerbase would be playing.

It'd also help to get the Community to keep the Game clean.

When they report a cheater, they do so in the knowledge that the Cheater will have to pony up money to buy a new Sim Card in order to play in verified rooms again, or eventually run out of any spare sim-cards that he may have lying around.

Of course, one could argue that there indeed are people who don't own cellphones, so that would be indeed something to consider. One workaround would be to give Accounts which are 5 Years or older automatic prime status, to cover any veterans who may not own one.

Nothing for new players though, do give any ideas if you have one for em' though!

The suggestion in itself is pretty rough around the edges, as I thought about it while walking my Dogs, so please do ask if there is anything that may seem unclear, or give your own recommendations.

Thank ya.

Credit to Dupree for letting me borrow his Sentence Separators.


  • Might be effective against creating accounts for the purpose of hacking/spamming
    +1 here..
  • First thing I did was google "Fake cell phone text receiver"

    Found a list of websites that can display texts received for that phone number
    https://www.raymond. cc/blog/top-10-sites-receive-sms-online-without-phone/
    I'm leaving this link here, because sooner or later, someone will find something like this to try and bypass your idea

    Now I'm not here to shoot your idea down and say it's bad. In fact I think it's a great idea.
    There are a lot of numbers they can use to receive those verification codes, and your idea limits them to those numbers.
    It'll be a while to burn through all those numbers.

    Short term... Not effective
    Long term... Possibly effective, supposing the numbers from those lists doesn't increase.

    Looking at this realistically, I have a feeling of doubt that it'll be implemented. Because I feel the developers would rather just add new weapons than to build up the foundation and core of the game.
    But maybe I'm wrong and the developers are actually competent, however any modern 1 man indie game developer with about 5 years of solid game development experience can produce a much better FPS game given about 2-3 years.
    The point I'm trying to make is that all other games are evolving rapidly, whereas Crossfire is barely progressing.

    +1 I support this idea. The one who calls the shots in deciding if this should be implemented would probably shoot down this idea for unknown reasons.
  • snip

    The whole 3 Day Cooldown until it actually set in was meant just for that, although indeed, it'd still not be able to combat people creating accounts in bulk.

    But as you say, with time, the Numbers provided there are bound to dry up, which while hardly ideal, certainly beats being able to create new accounts in no time flat.

    Perhaps adding a Rank/Playtime Limit before a new account is able to be eligible for verification in-game would hinder any advances on that front? Which then again, begs the question just what you'd do with legit folks who try the game out, and can't get verified right off the bat, simply because here we are, trying to counter cheaters from ruining it for the ones who already are there.

    Appreciate your Feedback!
  • Mate. i was just about to make the same suggestion.

    I thought about something like, u can link 3-5 accounts onto 1 phone number, and that you actually need a phone number in order to create a account,
    since alot of legit players have more than just one account.

    This would also help the support alot when it comes to "lost" "stolen" CF accounts.

    even tho this might never be implemented i like the idea a lot since it has great potential to decrease the hacking situation over the long run.
  • I like the idea a lot, especially considering the fact that it could be used as an identifier.
  • M1600wner wrote: »
    with time, the Numbers provided there are bound to dry up, which while hardly ideal

    Just thought of something.
    If your idea is accepted, Crossfire should ban all those numbers in the link I had provided before implementing.
    That way it already cuts down a whole chunk of cheaters already. Of course there will be other sites with numbers and I believe that it should take a good 3 weeks to research about 70-90% of those numbers.
    We aint waiting for cheaters to slowly use them 1 by 1, we know those numbers, we can have a head start and just start banning those numbers before they can even use them.
    However over time, they might increase the numbers, but I think the flow of cheaters will be limited by then.

    I have full support for this idea. Hopefully the people who run Crossfire(the ones who decide what can go into the game or not) also agrees that this idea is brilliant and also support it.
    I hope you have sent a support ticket idea for this, since I think the people in charge rarely check the suggestions forum.

    Cmon GMs, pitch this idea to the developers, this sounds like it'll definitely make reporting and sending replays effective again.
  • i agree so far with you and this one inspiring an idea to me that at the same time we can confirmation our accounts with SIM card number as more protection and improvement that accounts belongs to their owners and when you want to change your PW u will receive a message with code that is necessary to apply the change :D
  • This idea has a lot of things to expand upon.

    I know Crossfire doesn't really want to make it hard for people to sign up and join the game.
    I suggest for you to limit people to the rookie server until they can get their account verified.

    Once an account has reach the rank limit of the rookie server, it should:
    1. Stop them from earning exp, so they'll stay forever that rank and still be able to access the rookie server. They can't access the other servers.


    2. Freeze their account until they can verify their account as in still being able to login, but being unable to join any of the servers. They can do other things such as inventory, black market, shop, ...etc. Any games to them are off limits.


    3. Be able to join the other servers, but unable to participate in certain game modes. I prefer if unverified accounts be only limited to PvE gamemodes such as ZM or Single player bot matches. While PvP Games such as GM, HMX, TD, SND, ...etc are off limits until they can verify their accounts.

    I believe these ideas should conform with Crossfire policies to allow players to easily join the game without using a phone number, but at the same time restricts them from potentially cheating. Then again, it might be too restricting. Please take these ideas with a pinch of salt.
  • This idea has a lot of things to expand upon.

    I know Crossfire doesn't really want to make it hard for people to sign up and join the game.
    I suggest for you to limit people to the rookie server until they can get their account verified.

    Once an account has reach the rank limit of the rookie server, it should:
    1. Stop them from earning exp, so they'll stay forever that rank and still be able to access the rookie server. They can't access the other servers.


    2. Freeze their account until they can verify their account as in still being able to login, but being unable to join any of the servers. They can do other things such as inventory, black market, shop, ...etc. Any games to them are off limits.


    3. Be able to join the other servers, but unable to participate in certain game modes. I prefer if unverified accounts be only limited to PvE gamemodes such as ZM or Single player bot matches. While PvP Games such as GM, HMX, TD, SND, ...etc are off limits until they can verify their accounts.

    I believe these ideas should conform with Crossfire policies to allow players to easily join the game without using a phone number, but at the same time restricts them from potentially cheating. Then again, it might be too restricting. Please take these ideas with a pinch of salt.

    I didn't mean to be compulsory for everyone but to be optional as a kind of extra protection for the account once you accept the additional terms :D
  • d1SSENT wrote: »
    i agree so far with you and this one inspiring an idea to me that at the same time we can confirmation our accounts with SIM card number as more protection and improvement that accounts belongs to their owners and when you want to change your PW u will receive a message with code that is necessary to apply the change :D

    +1 to the hole idea and +1 to d1ssent
  • +1
    I wouldn't mind having these security measures, plus a way to get rid of hackers (or at least, for reducing the numbers).
