Will Ranked ever be played again?

Seems like it's gone down hill since its release to the point where it is now completely useless and irrelevant since it literally has almost 0 players.

I know hackers ruined it but I still can't seem to understand why it has done so poorly despite the issue of hacking. I played when it was first released and although hackers ruined some games for the most part it was still very fun. Now I even see there are some pretty dope rewards for achieving the highest rank yet still it's not enough to even entice a small player base to play it..

Honestly I don't see what else can be done, perhaps it should just be removed all together seeing as it appears to be becoming more and more of a useless feature.

Only thing I can suggest would be a decrease of placement games to account for shortage of players and as result making it harder to find matches. Maybe lessen 10 to like 3 or something since you still need at least a few before skill rating can be properly determined...

I just remember when it first came out it was like the only thing in this game where I actually felt like I was working toward something. As it is now I play on and off because simply I get bored. When you can't get anymore skins and are high enough level that one game doesnt see any significant change then you stop caring about one game. Maybe it's just me, but after a while I just see playing pubs as more and more meaningless the longer I play which makes me take breaks and stuff. Maybe it's just cause i'm competitive and dont care about stuff like ribbons too much but yeah I just feel this game struggles and continues to struggle to provide things for long time players to work toward and improve. Events are a nice compensation for this issue but dont address the problem really. For competitive players in the game aside from people on teams participating in leagues I see really nothing that they can feel like they are working toward to achieve, which means them and people like them(myself) get bored really fast.

Could be just me. What are your thougjhts?
