Return Kick Vote

Never thought i would be making a thread like this but it's not really surprising either.

We need kick vote back in the modes that dont have it because the hacking situation has gotten way worse. Almost every game at night I find a cheater or two in my game and I can't leave because I'm also doing the event.... worst experience in awhile.

With kick vote back, all it will take is 15 seconds and he's gone.


  • Like Camel said make it host option.

    You want it back because it's gotten worse and for event, what happens if you get kicked for doing multi kills in hmx and it happens to be during an event or simply they just kick you for fun. That's all these people do vote you up spam "bb hhhh" like they only log on to CF to kick people.
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    With kick vote back, all it will take is 15 seconds and he's gone.

    I think you overestimate the ability of nabs to f11 on a hacker in a pub match. Unless you have like 5+ friends in the match. Your chances of kicking a hacker anymore seem slim to none. Meanwhile modes like mutations are filled with 150+ pingers who will f11 simply because you have under 100 ping. Just got out of a GM where we tried so many times to kick a ha.cker on our team who was clearly walling. And yet the closest we got was 1 vote *******

    The best thing we need is A) an anti-hack system that actually works for more than 2 seconds. B)a larger patrol force of GM/Support entering into game modes where hacking is most common. Mutations/Ghost/ etc.

    Something certainly needs to be done. And i'd be willing to try out the Host option for enabling/disabling the KVS. But I don't think that'll change much either honestly. If a hacker hosts it'll be disabled. If a nab hosts they won't pay attention to if it's enabled/disabled.
  • The thing is, with hacks being everywhere, if there's a mode without kick vote, it will encourage them to use hacks and play that mode to take the p out of everyone. Without kickvote is like a country with no government/police. I'm happy without kick vote but 4 years later I thought we would never see these types of hacks again but unfortunately they re-appeared.
  • I never found 1 cheater yesterday in SND and you know why?
    -Kick Vote
    -Many high rank players play that mode so they have the decency to kick a cheater even if he's on their team
    -I also noticed they tend to stay away from SND and target modes with no KVS which is common sense.

    Meanwhile I decided to play just ONE mutation game and ran into 2. Then I decided to go play FFA and ran into 1. Why are they there? Well it's obvious. It's a country with no police and they're the criminals. (Yes, I voted to remove KVS but that was when we had a proper anti-cheat and hack free for a reasonable amount of time, besides small things like wall hack)

    There are players paying monthly for cheats and us giving them the freedom of playing with no KVS is wrong. We need it back.

    Also the players complaining about being kicked or w/e I haven't been kicked in SND for months now and I'm usually at the top of my team but the players that play that mode have some decency I guess. So the kicking thing is a small issue for me. (I tend to get kicked more often in FFA but it's not much). We can't give these cheaters the freedom of no KVS while we're here afraid of getting kicked. Come on now.
  • oSasuke*** wrote: »
    Like Camel said make it host option.

    You want it back because it's gotten worse and for event, what happens if you get kicked for doing multi kills in hmx and it happens to be during an event or simply they just kick you for fun. That's all these people do vote you up spam "bb hhhh" like they only log on to CF to kick people.

    Thanks! I do remember fighting hard during Kick Vote Feedback Vote thread for Host Option On and Off as I knew what the Community is like and I knew Hacking will get worse and of course that affects us all during events. Most people wanted KVS on Certain Modes and those who voted against my idea of Host On and Off any time are now complaining they can't kick in those Certain modes, not aiming at OP user but in general.

    My original post Pros and Cons on Certain modes and Permanent KVs Disable and Host option and looks like Host is better option.
  • I can't believe I am the one saying this but unfortunately +1 we have to admit that it is one of the few solutions we have but if it is gonna be there then let it be TEMPORARILY so the reasons for which it was removed at first do not happen again.
  • we need the kick vote back at MM or a better anticheat software!!
  • doesn't matter in a game where the staff is lazy and doesn't do shiit but likes to pretend that they do but the only thing they do is reply to comments like mine in a salty manner wondering why I'm posting like this, when they know its because their game/anti-cheat is broken and they are too stuck-up to admit it. maybe one day they will stop acting like they are productive and actually work as a team to do something about the major issues that are causing their game to die literally by the minute. either that or they will try to suck up all the money they can by creating new VIP's until the time has come that even the customers that buy VIPs dont want to buy them anymore because the game gets worse and worse without real improvements that matter to the well-being of crossfire.