Pangea Dragons is looking for new players for Main Lineup!
Hello Crossfire players,
we the team of Pangea Dragons are still looking for active and reliable players for our main lineup.
You should have the following requirements:
-ESL experience
-In the week at least 3 days for training (including cups)
-at least 18 years old and the necessary mental maturity
We are currently 4 players and are still looking for a player for the Main- Lineup and two as sub-players.
If you are interested, please send your application to the e-mail address : .
All other necessary information is available on our Teamspeak server.
Best regards
Nico "PANGEA.acco" Kreber
we the team of Pangea Dragons are still looking for active and reliable players for our main lineup.
You should have the following requirements:
-ESL experience
-In the week at least 3 days for training (including cups)
-at least 18 years old and the necessary mental maturity
We are currently 4 players and are still looking for a player for the Main- Lineup and two as sub-players.
If you are interested, please send your application to the e-mail address : .
All other necessary information is available on our Teamspeak server.
Best regards
Nico "PANGEA.acco" Kreber
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