A clan try to join my game and kick me.
Alright i didn't know the post would get "popular" usually people just read and just walk away Lol,
so i'll tell what really happened with my english(if it is).
I joined a filled game which 3 players on same clan were on this room 1 of them were on my team, we have lost.
I stayed on the same room with those 3 players we have won this game and
i was the top fragger(nothing exceptional or extraordinary) i kinda even had bad kda.
Third game we were winning and then before we hit the last kill one of the enemy team with this clan guy spammed f11 so i realized i would be or maybe not being kicked and then i did get kicked.
So i get upset and then created a room with their clan name followed by "noob kicker" so the room name looked like "put a clan name noob kicker".
I have waited over 5+ minutes as someone finally joined my room and press the ready button.
In the middle of the game those 3 clan guys joined and i sensed what they wanted to do after joining the game: one of them joined my team and you know the rest...
After that one i created another game with the same name those 3 guys joined my room again by pressing different slots(like that it would be hard to kick them out of room), and one of them spammed "cry cry..."
One of them whispered me(i couldn't whispered to them anyway because they had special character) and spammed "cry cry" and then i replied to him "i'm gonna report for that", and he replied "i report for insult clan".
Now to RaminoLo, i want you to know that i never insults anyone no matter what they do or write i of course write back but not with insults, and you will never heard anything from me writing racists, homophobics, misogynistic, curse against disabled(mostly people who can't walk/talk/see/etc), curse against poor people, mother or any family curse, against any country and it's people, etc.
And to pal_[Sniper] i'm waiting for the 8th season of TWD too.
PS: what does 7a7, 555 means?
Thank you for reading cheers. -
ReaKnightKen wrote: »Alright i didn't know the post would get "popular" usually people just read and just walk away Lol,
so i'll tell what really happened with my english(if it is).
I joined a filled game which 3 players on same clan were on this room 1 of them were on my team, we have lost.
I stayed on the same room with those 3 players we have won this game and
i was the top fragger(nothing exceptional or extraordinary) i kinda even had bad kda.
Third game we were winning and then before we hit the last kill one of the enemy team with this clan guy spammed f11 so i realized i would be or maybe not being kicked and then i did get kicked.
So i get upset and then created a room with their clan name followed by "noob kicker" so the room name looked like "put a clan name noob kicker".
I have waited over 5+ minutes as someone finally joined my room and press the ready button.
In the middle of the game those 3 clan guys joined and i sensed what they wanted to do after joining the game: one of them joined my team and you know the rest...
After that one i created another game with the same name those 3 guys joined my room again by pressing different slots(like that it would be hard to kick them out of room), and one of them spammed "cry cry..."
One of them whispered me(i couldn't whispered to them anyway because they had special character) and spammed "cry cry" and then i replied to him "i'm gonna report for that", and he replied "i report for insult clan".
Now to RaminoLo, i want you to know that i never insults anyone no matter what they do or write i of course write back but not with insults, and you will never heard anything from me writing racists, homophobics, misogynistic, curse against disabled(mostly people who can't walk/talk/see/etc), curse against poor people, mother or any family curse, against any country and it's people, etc.
And to pal_[Sniper] i'm waiting for the 8th season of TWD too.
PS: what does 7a7, 555 means?
Thank you for reading cheers.
So according to what you said, aren't you also a bit in the wrong here by putting their name on display in a room title?
It's kinda like asking them to join and kick you again xD.
Don't get me wrong though, they're the ones in the wrong because they started it but you said you never insult etc..
but defaming them with a room title is kinda provoking them.
I got my own fair share of unjustified kicks in the past, mostly due to them thinking i was hacking and also because of my level back.
But especially in ghost mode.
It got so bad to the point that i went and joined ghost mode clans so people would stop suspecting I'm a hacker.
About the part with people kicking for others to join,
Everyone does it.
Everyone that has friends or a clan kick for them to join and it happens in every game where you can kick people for others.
I myself have kicked people so that my friends can join and i do feel guilty whenever the person i kicked actually gets kicked but at the very least i don't kick randomly.
I always kick the one that's at the lowest spot in the board, ussually they have a bad kd so it's not so bad but it doesn't matter, if you want your chances of getting kicked to be as low as possible then do the following :
- have a decently high rank.
This will prevent some people from jumping to conclusions and calling you a hacker
- Play with a few friends/clan members.
They can disagree with the voting and lower thr chances of there being more then half people pressing F11
- Be nice to your teammates.
This is actually the easiest one
If you have a shiny or rare gun then drop it to them sometimes. This has the effect of preventing people from even starting a kick vote on you.
But ifthere's someone who kicks you after all then they will ussually protect you becuz their source of shiny guns will be gone xD
Anyway i hope this helps.
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