El Dorado needs improvement.

This is my personal experience with the new vip DE El dorado. It is cool, it has double storm that has insane (probably) fire rate, but still, it sucks.

Lets pro/con it with other guns.

Compare with other dual wield primary weapons:
Pro: Damage? Con: it doesn't dual wield at all like the one in the image or like P90 wildshot.

Compare with other pistol.
Pro: Being a vip weapon, double storm, 10 bullets. Con: it has less bullet than dual wield normal DE, which is 14 bullets iirc; During dual storm: magically, one clip's bullet shared with 2 pistols. Im pretty sure CF is a sci-fi game that pistol has its own teleportation machine; personally, I feel the semi auto is better than double storm in TD or SND or any gun match.; personally I feel the semi auto fire rate is even slower than DE camo.

pro/con itself
Pro: VIP effects. Con: lag during the switching, like 0.5sec? ; low bullet for a dual wield weapon (maybe? I don't know what they intend to make). Inaccuracy during double storm, more than 20m u almost cant hit anyone.

Personal opinion about improvement:
Rather add dual wield in the VIP setting, rather cancel the time lag between mode switching (because seriously, if u want to use it in front of enemy, u will get killed by the lag, if u wanna prefire, the first shot will be a warning shot of em. Unpractical either way.) also increase the bullet to the same with normal dual DE, even only in dual wield or double storm mode

This is what I think about this new VIP, I sent to the support and they told me that I have to post it here. If you feel the same, please make a comment.
