
Hi guys.
What happened to the idea of fairplay? I'm not trying to be racist, or discriminating but since the servers are flooded with so many people from the far east I whitness everyday how cheaters are not being kicked, glitchers can glitch throughout a whole snd game and the rest of them is just running in front of you and throwing their weapons to your feet.
We all know that culture is a different thing from country to country and from continent to continent. Maybe someone from that eastern part of earth can explain if the idea of fairplay is just not as common over there as it is where I am from.
You all probably have whitnessed things like this aswell. Just feels bad because you cant do something about it except for wasting even more time recording all that and then reporting. Which is nothing I wanna waste my freetime on. From my point of view thats more something developers should take care of, to rework certain parts of maps where people just go underground or into walls.
Besides from that I have to say, they do care, yes I know and they did good jobs on Castle and when I remember correctly right now they fixed Downtown aswell. Keep that up


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