More Zombie Mode Maps

Pretty simple....I'd like to see more Zombie mode maps in the relatively near future. However....I don't want just a run of the mill ZM1 map like Crater, Venice, EMD, Arena, or Devestated. I'd be okay with another ZM2 map and a couple more ZM3 style maps....

but what i'd REALLY like to a Zombie Mode map, regardless of the version, that requires more team work or puts some story into it. A couple of the early ZM1 maps were cool in that something like that but better...more interaction too. In BioHazard at the start you have those doors you can 'Repair' by holding the button....why not more things like that?

I envision some rounds against zombies that are immune to traditional weaponry and where you have to trigger traps or other weapons through buttons/levers/forcing them to walk/fall into a hazard area to kill them. Then a boss in which you HAVE to have more than 1 person around to kill it. Say 1 person has to hit a switch that causes a big cannon to shoot while the other person has to aim it. Or one person has to shoot the boss to get it to chase them and the others have to activate the trap that hurts it. Something that takes ingenuity anyways...
I suppose if needed....bosses could take minor damage from gun fire....but to finish them off in a timely manner one should have to use other means.

I get that this kind of gameplay will....elude many of our younger gun hunting player base. But frankly....I think it'd be a lot of fun and something a little different than just point and shoot with the most OP weapons you have.

EDIT: An idea for a possible scenario that's a little different would be something like: (taken from another one of my posts further in the thread)

what about the idea of Zombie Escape? Say use the typical ZM3 stage idea (kind of...) if you will...

Stage 1: The Raid: involves the players fighting through sections of an area to get to the 'Target'. Perhaps a miniboss upon reaching said target. (think a miniature version of biohazard here...)
Stage 2: Destroying the Target: Target would be an arbitrary thing such as an enemy power plant/main research center or something of that likes. Would waves of zombies in a single area and require you to protect say a large explosive. Perhaps a miniboss here as well. (think kind of like the first few parts of Fatal Canyon you have to protect something while killing zombies)
Stage 3:The Escape: The Explosive is set to blow and can't be undone...and you gotta you have to fight your way out of the facility being chased down by zombies. The last part of this stage would include being chased by a boss, which while very hard to kill in the time it takes to escape, isn't impossible to kill. Your ultimate goal is to get out before the timer reaches 0. You'd have an evac point to reach much like Escape Mode has. If you make it you get the Escape reward if don't. IF the team manages to kill the boss instead of just get a bonus reward or perhaps would go towards a special Achievement and if you manage to do it so many times you get something special.


  • +1, I am also already happy if they make the other zm2 maps a hard difficulty.
  • ZM is already a rather popular mode in just about any version, I'd bet my hands that they'd produce/are producing more ZM Themed Content as we speak.

    As for the increase in interactivity, sure.

    Although I do not like the idea of Zombies/Bosses having invulnerability where they need to be fought in a specific way to be defeated. If anything, make conventional weaponry less effective, rather than outright useless.

    And while I can agree on the stance that Maps in which you use the best Weaponry you own to mow down enemies turn bland pretty quickly, increasing the interactivity too much, or requiring too complex strategies can turn a fun quick ZM match into a bothersome chore to slog through, simply because of how specific you have to be when dispatching a Zombie/Boss.
  • You should add some elements from games like Left 4 Dead. Where players must traverse a giant map and reach a end point of the map and finding more weapons/supplies throughout the map.

    It sounds fun to be able to traverse a bigger map than the tiny ZM maps we have(Excluding Biohazard and Valkyrie Lab).
  • so here's an additional thought on this and i'll be editing it into the OP...but...

    what about the idea of Zombie Escape? Say use the typical ZM3 stage idea (kind of...) if you will...

    Stage 1: The Raid: involves the players fighting through sections of an area to get to the 'Target'. Perhaps a miniboss upon reaching said target. (think a miniature version of biohazard here...)
    Stage 2: Destroying the Target: Target would be an arbitrary thing such as an enemy power plant/main research center or something of that likes. Would waves of zombies in a single area and require you to protect say a large explosive. Perhaps a miniboss here as well. (think kind of like the first few parts of Fatal Canyon you have to protect something while killing zombies)
    Stage 3:The Escape: The Explosive is set to blow and can't be undone...and you gotta you have to fight your way out of the facility being chased down by zombies. The last part of this stage would include being chased by a boss, which while very hard to kill in the time it takes to escape, isn't impossible to kill. Your ultimate goal is to get out before the timer reaches 0. You'd have an evac point to reach much like Escape Mode has. If you make it you get the Escape reward if don't. IF the team manages to kill the boss instead of just get a bonus reward or perhaps would go towards a special Achievement and if you manage to do it so many times you get something special.
  • Some more zm2 and zm3 maps would be nice since there's only 2 and 3 of those. It's been said zombie mode is too predictable... I wonder if there would be a way to make it more random where the zombies atleast spawn at different places, and maybe different ones. Would that be hard to do with a game like this? So even if there is only a few maps atleast each time you play it will feel a little different if there are random spawns and zombies. But right now even after a few games you just know where and what will spawn so there is real no strategy.
  • +1 I agree with the idea (what you are basically suggesting is a better interaction between the map furniture/interiors and the players, right?)

    We also need more maps like Bio and Valk Lab (Capture Mission), not necessarily a Zombie Escape Mode, but a Zombie Mode with multiple areas (like they did in Fatal Canyon) but connected in a way ZM1 maps (names already mentioned) do.
