Event Server

Hey guys,

I just saw the pistol event and started playing right away, but when I entered the server I had a (semi) hard time finding a pistol only room to start completing the challenges.
This got me thinking, why don't we have a special server for events like this. The server would only allow pistol only rooms in this case. But say there is a MM event, it would only let you create MM rooms.
I'm not saying that a completely new server should be added, but maybe we can use one of the servers that is rarely used?

Hope to get your guys's opinion :)


  • Don't think they would remake a server just for events but I like the idea.
    the server would probably just be empty if people don't like the event but some serves are empty and available either way so ill give it a +1
  • the great thing about ideas like this....is that Theoretically you could spread the word and practically make it happen yourself. Find an empty server, designate it as the event server. Tell people. go there any time there's an event. and make it happen. sure you can't prevent other rooms that don't fit the event from popping up. but if enough people know and it gains popularity it'd work well enough. and the popularity thing is key as even if a server was made to only progress events...people would have to populate it.