Please Expand the community!


I'm just wanting to sate a message to the whole community in which a creation of an OCE server or a server closer to the OCE region should happen.
Long term this will impact the game positively as more and more players from the OCE region will find this game and explore what the game has to offer. As current OCE players receiveing 200 ping + in NA servers and 300+ in UK servers this heavily impacts their gameplay in which puts off players playing the game and spending money on the game. As dedicated crossfire player within the OCE region i do want this game to expand and achieve a larger player base. although player base of the OCE community may have dropped since launch, through social media and other marketing many goals can be achieved to create a larger community for the game crossfire and win back the OCE community.

Once again as a player my self i have personally spent thousands of dollars on this game and have thoughts on spending more although at the moment spending more money is extremely useless and pointless as my game play experience is terrible and is a struggle to enjoy playing simple game modes such as TDM due to high latency. I have also had many friends who have played this game and are willing to rejoin if a server is created to cater their needs.
If creating a server is not possible, please send this information to any other organisation willing to create a OCE server within the OCE region to create a larger community to improve the corssfire game.



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