Addition to Bingo

I have a suggestion should this Bingo event come back around in the future....

The idea kind-of-sort-of combines other things suggested in the past...but simply put

Allow players to trade in Duplicate Weapons for Extra Draws on Bingo!

I think it'd be cool if you allowed ZP AND GP crate weapons to be turned in for this but just put more value on ZP ones. OR even some kind of limit on how many weapons you can turn in.

I'm not going to assign any number of draws based on what I think. However, I do think the GP Weapon turn in shouldn't net that many Draws unless there is some kind of limit to put on how many you can turn in as GP weapons can easily be spun and won again easily enough. ZP ones should obviously be a good bit higher than their GP counter parts though.

Overall this addition would allow players to get rid of excess/unused items in their storage (which is something that a lot of people want as not many people like duplicate, primary, weapons) while also allowing them to further enjoy an event.
