CFCL Elite - Important Notice Regarding Score Submissions

Attention Elite Players

It has come to our attention that multiple teams are submitting scores without replays, without kills/deaths, or not submitting scores at all. Any further violations of this will result in forfeiting the match, with no exceptions, as per rule 3.7.4.

All captains are required to submit all match replays for all halves, sets, and matches. There are 10 people at least in each room, there is no reason that we will accept any longer that you should not have a replay available.

All captains are required to submit accurate rounds, and accurate kills/deaths. If you and your opponent submit different numbers for these, there is cause for concern and this will also be looked upon harshly. In order to have a fair tournament, accuracy in these regards is important for settling ties and disputes. While mistakes happen in this, we ask that you make as few as possible to ensure smooth progression going forward.

We hope to see better score submissions moving forward, and we hope you continue to enjoy competing in this division.

-CrossFire Team
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