CF Support -.-'

CF support tickets are worthless, Staff members keep repeating the same message over and over again and not even related to what am sayin .. it's like "Hi" they respond with "This our final decision and we will not respond to any further bla bla bla"
i have been trying explain to them what really happened to my account in the last three and they just keep sending the same thing.
I am afraid that you guys hired Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy to take control of the CF Support tickets? xD
Can any Gm help me out? and please do NOT close the thread.
Thanks in advance.


  • Support has the final say in account related decisions. Only Support could have helped you. Also, regardless of whether it was you or someone else that did the actual hacking, it was still your responsibility to keep your login information safe and to never give out these details to anyone.

    Someone steals your car for one year and you find them and finally they say "sorry I didn't know, I thought it's my friend's car". Are you going to just say "oh, it's okay, you didn't know, I forgive you"? Isn't it their responsibility to confirm it is their friend's car? Of course.

    Your account is banned for hacking and you say "but it wasn't me it was someone else who hates me that hacked on my account". Is that okay? Whose responsibility was it to keep their information safe and to not give out their information? Yours.

    One last time: No one on the forums can change the ban on your account. It is Support (not the GMs) that have final say in account decisions. If Support says this is the final decision, then it's the final decision. Since only the account is banned, you're welcomed to play on another account. This time make sure to keep your information safe.
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