Help on my Sensitivity

Wondering if someone would know what my CSGO Sensitivity would be on Crossfire

All Around-1

Doesn't need to be exactly the same but at least having a semi close feeling.


  • i have 1.4 in csgo and i use 3 sens in cf and 23 for zoom with 400 dpi
  • Try
    1-3 sens
    20-25 zoom
    400dpi (125hz) / 800 dpi (500hz)
  • I have 1.27 in cs:go and zoom is not changed, 6 in crossfire with zoom 35 800 dpi
  • swesub1 wrote: »
    1-3 sens
    20-25 zoom
    400dpi (125hz) / 800 dpi (500hz)

    Is this even English?
  • swesub1 wrote: »
    1-3 sens
    20-25 zoom
    400dpi (125hz) / 800 dpi (500hz)
    Golden173 wrote: »
    I have 1.27 in cs:go and zoom is not changed, 6 in crossfire with zoom 35 800 dpi

    Think I should of stated that my DPI was also 1200 aswell lol. I tried both of these and they weren't the same until I increased it by +3-4 and it felt around the same ( probably because of the DPI )

    Thank you for this!
    ... kind of :)

    this is translation for you :

    1-3 sens = 1 to 3 sensitivity (refeer to mouse of course)
    20-25 zoom = 20-25 sensitivity on zoom
    400dpi (125hz) / 800 dpi (500hz) = 400 dpi at 125 Hz usb pool rate / 800 dpi at 500 Hz usb pool rate (those are the mouse hardware capabilitie for previous game setting)

    ... :) .. of course i'm kidding and i know you already know those :D

    @ AlwaysSnipin

    i begin with harwdare settings (if mouse allow-it) and windows settings

    so for me is like this:

    Mouse: 1000 Hz / and 5 dpi stages (because i can change dpi on the fly) : 800 / 1600 / 2400 / 3200 / 3600 - but most of the time i use 3200 (the other stages just in case i need faster or slower move while i use scope zoom)
    Windows: pointer speed 3

    CF game : normal speed 2-4 / zoom speed 8 or 12
    CS:GO : normal speed 1 / zoom speed 0.50

    Now i advise you to set first your mouse for CF then go to CS:GO and adjust mouse speed only from game menu until you feel the mouse is move like under CF :) ...

    I swear you going overboard when trying to help lol. I kinda get what your saying so it would be best to work on CF and then move it to CSGO hmm I will look more into this since I need to get back into practising and being able to mixture my AWM/Ping together with my Rifling since I am always having to bring one higher for the other or slower for the other.

    Thank you tho probably spend tomorrow messing around with the sens but never ever ever going to change my DPI that's been the same for like 3 years now lol
    Is this even English?

    Same reaction I had with everything about computers lol
  • Sort of pointless asking for settings from other people. All about tweaking your own settings until it's comfortable

    But make sure your mouse is 125hz for Crossfire, anything else and you won't be able to aim properly. For CSGO 500/1000hz would be better but it's up to you. Also, go into your windows mouse settings and make sure the "Enhance pointer precision" is disabled
  • Sort of pointless asking for settings from other people. All about tweaking your own settings until it's comfortable

    But make sure your mouse is 125hz for Crossfire, anything else and you won't be able to aim properly. For CSGO 500/1000hz would be better but it's up to you. Also, go into your windows mouse settings and make sure the "Enhance pointer precision" is disabled

    Not trying to ask for settings I already got my own that I stick with on CSGO but I was just wondering how I come close to having around the same settings for CF since my aiming is way more onpoint of CSGO than on CF due to me able to adject with my CSGO settings but not so much with my CF settings.

    Disabled the Enchance Pointer don't know if I am too used to it being on but i'll adject with it off if it's for the better.